Idan nace babu abin da yake yamutsa mace, ya rikirkita ta, ya susuta ta, ta ji kaman ta dauki ranta, irin batun kishiya to ina ganin ban yi kuskure ba. A gani na, babu jarabawan da yafi girma ga ‘ya mace a wannan rayuwan irin a jarabce ta da zama da kishiya koda kuwa ba a gida daya suke zaune ba, wato kowacce da gidan ta. Idan mai karatun wannan qasidan namiji ne kuma yana tantaman wannan zancen nawa, to ya qaddara cewa su biyu ne maza a wajen matan shi, wato matan shi ta na aure da maza biyu, shi da wani daban! Wannan mummunan misalin, duk munin shi, abin da ke faruwa kenan ga mata. Duk yanda ka ke son ka kasance cewa kai kadai ne a cikin zuciyan matan ka, tofa ita ma haka take son kasancewa ita kadai ce a cikin rayuwan ka. Shin ko akwai macen da take son a yi mata kishiya saboda tana ganin cewa bata da kishi? A biyo ni a cikin wannan qasidan domin amsa wannan tambayan. Kishi yana daya daga cikin manyan abubuwan da suke sanadiyyar bayyanan Mental Disorder ga ‘ya mace saboda mawuyacin halin da suke samun kansu a ciki. Mata da yawa suna samun Depression (Major Depression Disorder) a lokacin da mijin su yake niyyar qara aure wanda kuma irin wannan halin da suke fadawa yana iya jefa su yin mugun aika-aika saboda Mental Health (lafiyan dabi’a) din su ya samu matsala babba tum ma ba idan kuma akayi rashin sa’an cewa Depression din nata ya hadu da ciwon tsananin so da bala’in kishi (Obsessive Love Disoder) ba.
Taqaitaccen Waiwaye A Kan Alamomin Depression (MDD) Da Obsessive Love Disorder (OLD)
A baya, na rubuta qasidu a inda na yi cikakken sharhi a game da yanda za ka gane mai dauke da Depression da kuma ciwon tsananin so da bala’in kishi (OLD). Zan lissafto alamomin wadannan disorders din ne kawai a nan qasa, domin mai karatu ya koma wadancan qasidun guda 2 wadanda zan yi ishara a kan su domin yin cikakken bita a kan wadannan Mental Disoders din.
Alamomin Depression guda 9 ne.
Jin bakin ciki tare da yanke qauna ko kuma jin kawai kana son yin kuka a kusan kullum (depressed mood & hopelessness).
Raguwan sha’awan abubuwan da da ka ke son yi wadanda suka shafi dukkanin harkokin ka a kusan kullum (anhedonia).
Rashin cin abinci kaman yanda ka saba ko kuma cin abincin fiye da yanda ka saba ko kuma rage qiba ba tare da kana dieting ba ko qara qiba (change in appetite & body weight).
Canji a yanda ka ke samun yin bacci a inda ka ke kasa yin bacci sosai yanda ka saba ko kuma kake yin baccin da ya wuce ƙima kusan a kullum (hypersomnia or insomnia).
Jin kazar-kazar ko kuma ka ji ba ka son tabuka komai da jikin ka kaman kasala (psychomotor agitation or retardation).
Rashin jin karsashi ko jin tsananin gajiya koda kuwa ba ka yi aikin da ya cancanci jin irin wannan gajiyan ba kusan a kullum (fatigue or loss of energy).
Jin cewa ba ka da amfani ko kuma yawan zargin kan ka da kan ka (worthlessness or guilt).
Kasa hada hankalin ka ko tunanin ka waje guda ko kasa yanke hukunci kusan a kullum (lack of concentration & indecisiveness).
Yawan yin tunanin mutuwa, ko tunanin da ma ace ka mutu, ko kuma yunqurin kashe kanka (suicidal ideation or suicide attempt).
Sai aqalla 5 daga cikin wadannan alamomi 9 sun tabbata kuma sun wanzu har sati 2 cikakke koma fiye da haka sannan kuma dole daya daga cikin alamomin ya kasance #1 ko #2.
Domin cikakken sharhin wadannan alamomin, ka karanta maqala na mai taken, ‘Cikakken Bayani A Kan Yanda Za Ka Gane Me Dauke Da Depression (MDD) Ko Bipolar Disorder (BD)’.
Alamomin ciwon tsananin so da bala’in kishi wato Obsessive Love Disorder (OLD)
Matsanancin qaunar mutum daya.
Matuqar begen mutumin a koda yaushe.
Ganin dacewan kare wanda ka ke so da tsare shi.
Jin bala’in kishi akan shi.
Jin cewa kai ba komi ba ne (low self-esteem).
Tura saqonni kala-kala ta SMS, emails ko yawan kiran wanda suke so.
Son a rarrashi mutum a koda yaushe.
Wuyan yin abokai ko sada zumunci da sauran ‘yan’uwa saboda tsabagen maida hankali a wajen mutum daya.
Bibiya da sa ido akan duk abubuwan da mutumin ya ke yi.
Yunqurin juya mutum akan inda zai je da kuma abubuwan da zai iya yi.
Obsessive Love Disoder (OLD) ba yana tsaye ne da qafafun shi ba, yana bibiyan wasu Mental Disorders ne kaman Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), Obsessive-Compulsive Disoder (OCD), Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder (DSED), Obsessional Jealousy, da dai sauran su.
Domin cikakken sharhin wadannan alamomin, ka karanta maqala na mai taken, ‘Tsananin Fushi Da Bala’in Kishi, Me Yake Jawo Su? Borderline Personality Disorder & Obsessive Love Disorder’.
Halin Da Uwargida Ke Shiga A Sa’ilin Da Maigida Ya Yi Yunqurin Qara Aure
A mafi yawancin lokuta, mace na shiga wani matsanancin hali a sanda ta lura da cewa mijin ta yana da niyyar tafiya Qaraye wato qaro aure. Wannan yanayin yana jefa ‘ya mace a cikin damuwa wanda baya misaltuwa. Abin farko da ya ke fara fado mata shine mijin ta ya daina son ta ne shiyasa har zai iya yin mata kishiya wanda yasan cewa dole ranta zai baci a sabilin haka. Daga nan kuma sai ta tsunduma laluben abubuwan da takeyi domin ta nemo laifin da take yin mishi wanda har zai iya tunzura shi qara aure. A irin wannan yanayi, sai tsananin damuwa da yawan tunani da kishi su yi galaba a kan ta har ta iya shiga cikin matsanancin Depression a inda za ka ga cewa aqalla alamomi 5 daga cikin alamomi 9 na Depression wadanda na zayyana a sama sun bayyana a gareta. Wadanda suke da ilimin Mental Health wato lafiyan dabi’an dan Adam za su iya zuwa neman taimako wajen Psychiatrist a inda za a iya basu maganin Depression wato Antidepresseant saboda su sami sauqin halin da suka shiga ciki na ni ‘ya su. Wasu kuma sai kaga cewa sun qi neman taimakon likita a game da halin damuwan da suka shiga duk da cewa suna da tabbacin cewa alamomin Depression sun gama bayyana a tare da su, a irin wannan yanayin, sai kaga cewa mace tana ta ramewa tana lalacewa saboda bata iya yin bacci, bata iya cin abincin, wata ma bata iya yin aiki na gida ko kuwa na office. A taqaice dai duk wadanda suke kusantanta za su iya fahimtan cewa tana cikin wani mawuyacin hali. Wata kuma bata ma san alamomin Depression ba kwata-kwata koda kuwa tana dauke da shi saboda akwai qarancin ilimin cututtukan da za su iya shafan dabi’un mu wato Mental Disorders a cikin al’umman mu.
A wani lokacin kuma, idan kishin nata ya qarfafa sai kaga alamomin ciwon tsananin so da kishi wato Obsessive Love Disorder (OLD) wanda na lissafa a sama sun kunno kai. Wannan alamomin za su iya kunno kai tun kafin maganan qara aure ya taso, a wani lokaci kuma, yunqurin qara auren mijin ta shi ne zai qara tayar da Obsessive Love Disorder tuburan.
Daga nan kuma sai mace ta fara yawan yin leqen asiri a wayan mijin ta a inda za ta iya karanto ma kanta abin da zai iya hana ta sukuni har muddin ranta, ko kuma idan miji ya gano, ayi ta tashin hankali. Idan akayi rashin sa’a cewa shi ma mijin yana dauke da wani matsalan kaman Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), to zai iya sakin ta saboda leqen asirin wayan shi kadai, kunga anan kenan, allura ta tono garma. Kun ga anan tsananin zafin kishi ya kashe mata aure kenan tun ma kafin amaryan ta shigo. Idan akayi rashin sa’an cewa itama tana dauke da BPD tare OLD sannan kuma da Depression ya lullube ta, za ta iya cewa za ta kashe mijin ta ko kishiyan ta ko kuma ta yi yunqurin kashe su ko kuma taci nasaran aika su barzagu ko kuma ta nemi kashe kanta. Kun ga aiki ya lalace kenan. Saboda da haka, dole maigida ya lura da wadannan alamomin na Depression, OLD da BPD da kyau, idan ba haka ba kuwa za ka iya wayin gari a lahira ko amaryan taka ko kuma ita uwargidan.
Shawara Zuwa Ga Maigida Mai Niyyar Qara Aure
Ka sani cewa kishi dabi’a ce ta dan Adam. Saboda Allah (SWA) Ya bamu daman auren mata har guda 4 ba shi ke nuna cewa mata basu da kishi ba ko kuma mu yi tsammanin cewa idan sun nuna kishi a kan mu to kaman suna yin inkarin ayan da Allah Ya bamu daman qarin aure ne, a’a ba haka bane. Duk zurfin ilimin addini ‘ya mace ba ya hana ta yin kishi mai tsanani saboda shi kishi dabi’a ce ta dan Adam wanda ba ya bambanta na miji ko mace.
Martaban kishin mata ya bambanta, wata kishin ta kadan ne har ma a iya yin tsammanin cewa kaman bata da kishi kwata-kwata, wata kuma kishin ta matsakaici ne wanda bai wuce gona da iri ba, sai kuma wanda nasu ya kai lahaula. A mafi yawancin lokuta za ka ga cewa wadanda nasu ya wuce na Shari’ah ya kai ga lahaula za ka ga cewa su na dauke da Mental Disorder ne, wadanda suke sahun gaba sune OLD da BPD.
Dole ka kula da irin mawuyacin halin da matan ka za ta shiga a sanda ka ke qoqarin qarin aure sannan kuma ka tausaya mata iya iyawan ka wajen nuna damuwa da fahimta na yanayin da ta shiga wato Empathy. Idan ka ga alamomin Depression sun bayyana a gare ta ka dauke ta zuwa asibiti domin neman agajin Psychiatrist saboda kada yanayin nata ya gurbata har ya kai ga ta aikata wani mummunan ta’asa. Abin baqin ciki ne yanda za ka ga wasu mazajen suna nuna halin ko-in-kula ga matan su idan za su qara aure. Irin wannan halin yana qara musu damuwa sosai duk da yake kusan babu abin da maigida zai yi wanda zai kauda damuwan uwargida kwata-kwata in dai ba fasa auren ne zai yi ba gabadaya amma dai dole ya kwatanta.
Duk tsiyatakun da matan ka za ta yi maka saboda aniyar ka ta qara aure kada ka sake ta. Wani yanayi suke shiga wanda su kadai suka san girman abun da ke damun su, saboda haka zata iya tunzura ka ta hanyoyi daban-daban akan ka sake ta amma ka yi haquri, ka jure, ka kauda kai kada ka sake ta koda kuwa ta maka ka a kotu domin haka. Za ka iya bata sararin shan iska kaman ta yi tafiya hutu a wajen iyayen ta ko kuma wani wajen daban domin ta dan sarara.
Idan kuma kana so ka gajarce mata mawuyacin halin da zata shiga, to za ka iya boye mata neman auren da ka ke yi har sai dab da bikin sannan ka sanar da ita. A wannan yanayin, ka kashe tsuntsu 2 da dutse 1 kenan. Da farko ka rage mata tsayin lokacin da zata shiga kafin amarya ta shigo. Wasu mazan za ka ga suna neman aure har shekaru 3 koma 5 sannan kuma matan shi tana sane kuma tana cikin qunci a tsawon wannan lokacin har zuwa lokacin da amaryan za ta shigo daga ciki daga nan kuma a shiga Next Level na kishi. Na biyu, wasu matan suna iya shiga su fita har sai sun lalata auren da mijin su yake nema. Ka ga, a irin wannan yanayi, ba su ma sani ba ballantana su lalata maka neman auren ka. A lokacin da za su sani, zai kasance auren na ka yayi kusa sosai yanda ba za su iya samun daman yin komai ba. Amma fa a babin raha, idan kana so ayi maka binciken qeqe-da-qeqe kyauta a kan wanda ka ke son aura, to ka sanar da matan ka wanda ka ke son aura. Za ta shiga ta lalubo maka bayanai a game da ita kala-kala, kai kuma sai ka zurfafa ka tace bayanan nata. Kada ka rudu da cewa wai matan ka bata da kishi, saboda haka koda ka fada mata batun qarin auren ka tun da wuri ba za ta damu ba. Wasu matan za su iya nuna maka cewa suna tare da kai a kan qudurin ka dari bisa dari amma da zaran sun ga cewa da gaske ka fara shirye-shiryen shigowan wata, sai su canza gabadaya, ka kasa gane kan su kwata-kwata.
1) Rice – Its Healthy and Unhealthy Forms
2) Pasta and Noodles: Healthy and Unhealthy Forms
3) Breakfast Meals: Healthy & Unhealthy Forms
4) Best Cooking Oils: Is Palm Oil Healthier Than Peanut (Groundnut) Oil?
5) What Are The Best Workouts For Diabetics?
6) How We Aided And Abetted The Spread Of The Monster Called Diabetes And How We Can Undo It In Just 7 Days.
7) What is the best time for dinner?
8) Why do I discourage diabetics from using artificial sweeteners or diet soft drinks or sodas
9) Brown Rice & Arsenic In Rice: Should You Be Concerned?
10) Health Implications of Fried Foods, Bado, Kuka, and Garahuni on a Diabetic
11) What is Water Therapy (Hydrotherapy): Can It Treat Diabetes?
12) Wheat & Gluten – How Safe is Wheat to a Diabetic?
13) Tea & Its Significance For Diabetics
DISCUSSION 001 (Date: 18.11.19) DIABETIC MONITORING FORUM (DMF) Presenter: Dr. Salihu Lukman The following are the outcomes of the DMF discussions held yesterday on the topic, “RICE – Its Healthy and Unhealthy Forms”.
1. Brown rice is healthier because it is whole-grained, thus more nutritious. Diabetics should avoid white and parboiled rice as much as possible. Whenever you must take non-brown rice, use the suggested healthy rice recipes in (2) below and be mindful of the portion size.
Basmati rice is not in any way healthier than other white or parboiled rice.
2. Suggested healthy rice and beans options:
(a) Use 30 % (rice): 70 % (beans) ratio. You can add spinach or other veggies.
(b) Use 30 % (beans): 70 % (rice) ratio. This must be accompanied by either vegetable soup which contains a large quantity of vegetables or an undressed salad.
3. People born predisposed to diabetes and consume white or parboiled rice often, are more prone to coming down with type 2 diabetes than those who consume germinated brown rice, provided that all things being equal.
4. Salads: Avoid using salad cream as much as possible because it contains added sugar, and saturated fat and it is rich in calories. Typically the healthiest salad dressings are those that are oil-based because these types of dressings are made with heart-healthy fats such as olive oil, nut oils, etc, or vinegar (in general). I recommend apple cider vinegar because it helps to reduce blood sugar and aids in weight loss.
Your salad can consist of a mixture of the following: tomato, red bell pepper (tattasai), carrots, cucumber, onion, cabbage, lettuce, green pepper, etc.
Note: You should monitor your blood glucose level closely whenever you change your diet from a less nutritious one to a more nutritious one if you are on diabetic medication to avoid hypoglycemia.
5. White sugar vs brown (including Mazarqwaila), raw, confectioner’s (or powdered) sugar: They all have the same nutritional profile as white sugar. Hence, all the above sugars are nutritionally the same.
6. Is honey healthier than table sugar? Both are forms of sugar, and are not recommended for diabetics. However, honey may provide small amounts of health-promoting minerals, hence it may be considered healthier than sugar.
Dr. Salihu Lukman is an assistant professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Hafr Al-Batin and writes from Saudi Arabia.
DISCUSSION 002 (Date: 21.11.19) DIABETIC MONITORING FORUM (DMF) Presenter: Dr. Salihu Lukman Topic: Pasta and Noodles: Healthy and Unhealthy Forms SPAGHETTI, MACARONI, COUSCOUS
Pasta is packed with carbohydrates, which, when eaten in excess, can increase inflammation, cause weight gain, and raise blood sugar.
They should be completely avoided as much as possible. They are made from highly refined wheat.
If you must take any of them, apply enough veggies to make them more nutritious and enhance the fiber content and/or use salad. In all these cases, using a smaller portion size of the food is very important.
“The glycemic index of pasta made from wheat (most pasta) depends on the shape of the pasta (the thicker, the lower the glycemic index) and the way it is cooked.”
Note: You should monitor your blood glucose level closely whenever you change your diet if you are on diabetic medication to avoid hypoglycemia.
(1) Whole-wheat spaghetti and macaroni are good sources of fiber vitamins, and minerals and reduce any resulting blood sugar spike (when compared to white pasta).
(2) Fortified pasta
“Fortified pasta varieties are another alternative to white pasta. These types of pasta have been modified by adding a flour blend that includes egg whites and legumes for more protein; barley and oats for increased fiber; and flaxseed for healthy omega-3 fats.”
“These forms contain 40 percent more protein and twice the fiber in the same amount of calories as regular pasta. The higher protein and fiber content are both helpful for diabetic glucose control.”
(3) Other available varieties are pasta made with chickpeas or other varieties made with brown rice, lentils, and finger millet (tamba).
Instant Noodles (e.g. Indomie)
“Instant noodles are a type of pre-cooked noodle, usually sold in individual packets or cups and bowls.”
“Typical ingredients in the noodles include flour, salt and palm oil. The flavoring packets generally contain salt (high in sodium), seasoning and monosodium glutamate (MSG).”
“After the noodles have been made in the factory, they are steamed, dried and packaged”
“Most types of instant noodles tend to be low in calories, fiber and protein, with higher amounts of fat, carbs, sodium and select micronutrients (vitamins & minerals).”
If you must take instant noodles, apply enough veggies to make them more nutritious and enhance the fiber content and/or use salad. In all these cases, using a smaller portion size of the food is very important.
“Choosing instant noodles that are lower in sodium or made from whole grains can give your instant noodles a healthy upgrade. Adding vegetables and a protein source can help round it out.”
Note: You should monitor your blood glucose level closely whenever you change your diet if you are on diabetic medication to avoid hypoglycemia.
DISCUSSION 003 (Date: 23.11.19) DIABETIC MONITORING FORUM (DMF1 & DMF2) Topic: Breakfast Meals: Healthy & Unhealthy Forms Presenter: Dr. Salihu Lukman
”We’ve heard countless times that breakfast is the most important meal of the day”
”it can jump start metabolism, prevent food cravings, and help people lose weight.”
”Eating a balanced breakfast is important, especially if you have diabetes. ”
”In fact, researchers have found that skipping breakfast makes you more at risk of developing type 2 diabetes. ”
”But figuring out exactly what to eat can be tricky. Having a plan in place can help you save time and prevent you from making a choice that might affect your glucose control later in the day. ”
”Here are a few tips to keep in mind. ”
Guide to a Diabetes-Friendly Breakfast
”Studies have shown that eating a higher fat and moderate protein breakfast may actually help to reduce fasting blood sugar, A1c, and weight. ”
”Studies have shown that those persons with diabetes tend to have better blood sugars and weight control when starting the day with a higher fat, higher protein, lower carbohydrate breakfast. ”
”The likely reason is that these types of breakfast choices are lower in carbohydrates. ”
”Also, blood sugar tends to rise after breakfast—up to two times higher than after lunch. ”
”High blood sugar after meals (postprandial) can result in carbohydrate cravings because the sugar stays in the bloodstream instead of going into the cells, and then the cells signal to the body that it needs to eat more sugar (or carbohydrates) to effectively fuel itself. ”
”Elevated blood sugars may cause additional carbohydrate cravings, which can lead to excess calorie and carbohydrate intake, often resulting in excess sugar in the blood. ”
”Eating a lower-carb breakfast will minimize the resulting glucose response and means your blood sugar will be better balanced throughout the day.”
”All food can be classified into macronutrient categories as carbohydrates, fats, or proteins. ”
”They all provide your body with the energy you need to function on a daily basis. ”
”The American Diabetes Association recommends a general breakdown as 20% of daily calories from protein, 20-35% of daily calories from fat, and 45-60% of daily calories from carbohydrates. ”
”Protein and fat tend to be more satiating which can keep you feeling full for longer, typically resulting in less overall calorie intake. ”
”Carbs are a quick source of energy, but for people with diabetes, they can send blood sugar soaring.”
”When it comes to carbs on a diabetes-friendly diet, fiber is the shining beacon you should be searching for. ”
”In terms of breakfast options, seek out oatmeal, whole-grain bread”
”Don’t shy away from fats: from helping with vitamin absorption to hormone production to heart and brain function, they are an essential part of a healthy diet.”
”However, not all fats are created equal. ”
”Look for plant-based fats such as avocado, olive oil, nuts, seeds, and coconut; along with high-quality sources of animal products such as grass-fed, whole-milk dairy and butter. ”
”Once thought to cause high cholesterol, experts now suggest that FULL-FAT DAIRY may help to keep cholesterol balanced”
”In terms of portions, a serving of liquid fats such as olive oil or butter is usually one teaspoon, about the size of the tip of your thumb. ”
”A serving of nuts, seeds, or avocado is one tablespoon, or about the full length of your thumb.”
”Seek out omega-3 fatty acids, which are a special kind of protective, anti-inflammatory fat. Walnuts, chia seeds, flax seeds, and fatty fish (salmon) are all great sources of omega-3s.”
”Protein is the building block for every cell in the body and is a great source of energy. ”
”For people with diabetes, lean proteins provide energy density without a high amount of saturated fat, which could be linked to heart disease. ”
”Animal-based breakfast proteins like eggs and turkey sausage are pretty standard, but there’s also a case to be made for chickpeas, tofu, nuts, and seeds. ”
How to Build a Balanced Meal
”There are four main pillars to keep in mind when planning a diabetes-friendly meal, breakfast or otherwise. ”
”1) Fiber: oatmeal, whole-grain breads, and whole-wheat/bran muffins”
” 2) Lean protein: eggs, fish, beans, or nuts”
” 3) Healthy fats: olive oil, avocado, grass-fed butter and dairy, coconut, and nuts”
” 4) Vegetables: peppers, tomatoes, onions, and especially dark leafy greens”
”Focusing on these four categories of food will ensure that your plate checks all the boxes of a satisfying, nutrient-dense meal. ”
”When it comes to oatmeal, you first want to be sure you purchase the right kind. ”
”In other words, stick with whole oats or steel cut oats, as they are low in GI, whereas instant oats are very refined and tend to be high in GI. ”
”To give the oatmeal a pop of flavor and additional nutrients, try topping your oatmeal with a little bit of low GI fruit, like apples, peaches, or pears. ”
”The Dietary Guidelines for Americans encourages us to eat eggs without worrying about cholesterol”
”Eggs are high in protein and the yolk contains heart-healthy omega-3 fats to help fight inflammation.”
”The great part about eating eggs is that they can be made in a variety of ways (so you don’t get bored of eating the same thing every day).”
”For example, you can scramble eggs, bake them, or hard boil them. ”
”It’s also a good idea to add in vegetables to your eggs to maximize your antioxidant intake—and don’t be shy when it comes to combining vegetables.”
”One hearty and popular combination is mushrooms, onions, and chopped tomatoes. ”
”You can also make a frittata”
PAPS (Koko or Kunu)
Avoid paps from refined grains (corn, millet, sorghum, etc.) because they have a higher GI.
Prepare paps using finger millet (tamba), hungry rice (acca), or whole-grain wheat. You may use 1 date to sweeten it.
Use fresh cow milk if possible.
Avoid Milo, Bournvita & Ovaltine (contains sugar)
Avoid white bread
Use whole-grain wheat bread or brown bread, oat bread, high-fiber bread, bran bread, etc.
Avoid tuwo made from refined grains (corn, sorghum, wheat, etc.) because they have a higher GI.
Recommended tuwo: Tuwon oats, tuwon tamba (finger millet), tuwon acca (hungry rice)
FATE (Porridge)
Avoid porridge made from refined grains (corn, sorghum, wheat, rice, etc.) because they have a higher GI.
Recommended: Faten oats, beans, tamba (finger millet), acca (hungry rice), whole-grain wheat, brown rice, whole-grain corn or sorghum (dawa).
DISCUSSION 004 (Date: 27.11.19) DIABETIC MONITORING FORUM (DMF1 & DMF2) Presenter: Dr. Salihu Lukman Topic: Best Cooking Oils: Is Palm Oil Healthier Than Peanut (Groundnut) Oil?
Vegetable oils are the umbrella that may actually represent soybean oil, corn oil, coconut oil, peanut (groundnut) oil, palm oil, or sunflower seed oil.
Their chemical structures are similar in that they are all unsaturated oils except palm oil (50 % saturated fat) & coconut oil (87 % saturated fat) which are saturated oils.
Trans fats are also found in processed foods. Food manufacturers in the US MUST list trans fat on food labels.
“The USFDA (US Food and Drug Administration) has taken things one step further by entirely banning the use of hydrogenated oils and trans fats in restaurants. You can do the same with your own diet.”
If you are on a low-cholesterol diet, then palm oil is a no-no for you because of its high saturated fat content [].
“Current expert advice is to limit your intake of saturated fatty acids because eating a diet high in saturated fats has been linked to a higher risk of heart disease and stroke.”
“But, it’s not clear if saturated fatty acids from plant oils are bad for health or not.”
Words like “hydrogenated” or “partially-hydrogenated” are used to identify trans fats that are hiding in your food or biscuits.
Pure palm oil in its naturally occurring form is trans-fat-free[].
However, there are conflicting results indicating that consuming palm oil is a potential risk factor for developing heart disease in some people [].
“To avoid unhealthy trans fats, limit your consumption of fried foods (such as French fries [chips], onion rings, nuggets, and fried chicken), baked goods (such as doughnuts, cakes, cookies, and pastries), commercially pre-prepared products (pie crusts, pizza, dough & cookie dough).”
Other saturated fats are those found in meat and dairy products which are generally solid at room temperature.
“Trans fats are a type of fat found in some foods. They can be artificially added or naturally occurring.”
“Natural trans fats are found in very small amounts in certain animal products. On the other hand, artificially added trans fats are formed due to a chemical reaction and are included in a variety of food products during the manufacturing process.”
How Are Trans Fats Formed?
“Trans fats can be artificially formed through a chemical process called hydrogenation, which bombards an unsaturated fatty acid with hydrogen molecules and results in the formation of hydrogens on opposite sides of a double bond in their chemical structure.”
“Inducing the formation of trans fats has some advantages for food manufacturers.”
“Adding trans fats can aid in extending the shelf-life of certain foods.”
“It also helps some fats become more solid at room temperature and makes some foods more palatable.”
“Although meat and dairy products may contain a tiny amount of naturally occurring trans fats, artificially-added trans fats are of most concern due to their presence and high content in some foods.”
“Because of the risk that artificial trans fats pose in increasing your risk of heart disease, the USFDA began requiring food manufacturers to list the amount of trans fats per serving on the food package labeling in 2006.”
On how to read NUTRITION FACTS LABEL, read:
“In 2013, the USFDA declared artificial trans fats as “GENERALLY NOT RECOGNIZED AS SAFE” due to studies linking high trans fat consumption with cardiovascular disease.”
“After further investigation of the effect of artificial trans fats in foods, the USFDA ruled in June 2015 that food manufacturers needed to find alternative measures in preparing their processed foods that would eliminate the use of trans fats during the preparation process.”
“Food manufacturers have until June 2018 to develop ways to manufacture their foods without trans fats, or they can ask the FDA to use trans fats in specific cases.”
“Some food manufacturers, restaurants, and regions of the United States have already banned the use of trans fats in their foods.”
On the other hand, unsaturated fats and oils are generally liquid, even when refrigerated, and good for heart health.
“Although there are many supplements containing unsaturated fats, such as cod liver oil and fish oil”
They can be MUFAs (Mono-unsaturated fatty acids): olive, avocado, mustard, canola, peanut, safflower and sesame oils.
Or PUFAs (Poly-unsaturated fatty acids): corn, vegetable, sunflower, safflower, soy, walnut, canola, grapeseed, peanut, sesame & flaxseed oils.
“The rule of thumb is simple: diets high in omega-3 fats and monounsaturated fat can help lower your “bad” LDL cholesterol and raise your “good” HDL cholesterol.”
“You will find these properties in avocado, canola, flaxseed, soy, sesame, olive, peanut, sunflower, corn and walnut oils.”
“Some polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs), such as omega-3 fatty acids, can also help lower your triglyceride levels.”
Groundnut oil: 20 % saturated fatty acids, 50 % MUFAs & 30 % PUFAs []
If you are a diabetic, MUFAs can increase your insulin levels and blood sugar control [].
These trans fats raise your LDL cholesterol levels (the bad kind) and lower your HDL cholesterol levels (the good kind) at the same time.
Hence, they raise your risk of developing heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.
“Fatty fish: Fish are generally lean and good to include in your lipid-lowering diet. Some fish are high in omega-3 fats, a type of PUFA.”
“Fish in this category would include SALMON, MACKEREL, HERRING, TUNA, AND ANCHOVY. If you include this type of fish in your diet, you can keep it heart-healthy by grilling, baking, or poaching. However, you should avoid frying the fish, as this can introduce calories and unhealthy trans fats into your diet.”
“Eggs contain saturated fats and unsaturated fats. When they are prepared without frying, they are considered a healthy addition to your diet.”
Vegetable oils with the exception of palm oil and coconut oil contain the essential fatty acids omega-6 which are essential for our body, yet, our body cannot manufacture them and must be taken in through diet.
Pure groundnut oil processed from groundnuts and sold by Kuli-kuli (groundnut cake) vendors is the most reliable groundnut oil and has a lower smoke point than the conventionally packaged groundnut or vegetable oils and that is why it is not economical for frying purposes.
This means that it will burn and finish faster than other oil with higher smoke point like the packaged vegetable oil sold in the markets.
If you can get pure groundnut oil from a Kuli-kuli vendor, then you will be taking one of the best heart-healthy oils available.
Prolonged heating of unsaturated oil will convert it to saturated oil.
For the healthiest cooking methods, read:
Unfortunately, good unsaturated oils can also be hydrogenated to create trans fats and a more shelf-stable product.
I hope NAFDAC ensures that the so-called vegetable oils flooding our markets (in Nigeria) are not hydrogenated.
What is usually sold on shop shelves (in Nigeria) as butter is actually margarine.
These are two different fats with different nutritional values and ingredients.
While butter contains saturated fats, many brands of margarine contain trans fat listed as “hydrogenated oil” or “partially hydrogenated oil” on the ingredients list.
Trans fat should be completely avoided according to health experts.
Before the 1990s, trans fats were regarded as a healthier alternative to saturated fats, hence margarine was promoted as a heart-healthy option over butter.
However, since the recent discovery that trans fats are bad, many margarine companies in the US have reformulated their product and eliminated trans fats.
Health experts recommend that one takes one tablespoon of Extra Virgin olive oil daily owing to its heart-healthy benefits.
“OLIVE OIL is widely considered to be the HEALTHIEST OF ALL OILS, especially extra-virgin varieties which are not overly processed.”
“It has some antioxidants that may be part of the reason it is good for your heart health.”
DISCUSSION 005 (Date: 30.11.19) DIABETIC MONITORING FORUM (DMF1 & DMF2) Presenter: Dr. Salihu Lukman Topic: What Are The Best Workouts For Diabetics?
“Exercise is an effective way to improve the body’s ability to use insulin and help control blood sugar levels—important goals for people with diabetes.“
“But how much exercise does it take to achieve these benefits?“
Starting a Program
“Anyone who has diabetes should get the OK for a new exercise program from his or her diabetes care team.“
“Topics to discuss include what activity level is appropriate and what (if any) special precautions to take, based on the type of diabetes, medications, current fitness state, complications, glucose levels and other factors.”
Exercise Frequency & Timing
“Researchers have discovered that when a muscle is exercised, it draws glucose out of the bloodstream for fuel, helping control levels of sugar in the blood.”
“This effect continues not just during exercise, but for 24 to 72 hours afterward. For this reason, experts recommend people with diabetes exercise at least five days per week, if not every day.”
“This ensures that the muscles draw sugar from the bloodstream continuously.”
“While science hasn’t produced a definitive answer to how much time is enough for people with diabetes to exercise, here are some useful observations:”
“Many studies of diabetes and exercise have looked at the benefits of walking (or, in some cases, biking or jogging) for about 30 minutes per session.”
“This amount has been found to be quite effective at helping to control blood sugar.”
“A group of Italian researchers followed a large number of people with diabetes for two years. The results of their study, published in Diabetes Care, found that people who got 38 minutes of exercise per day saw significant blood sugar benefits. Those who got about 83 minutes per day did even better.”
“So what does all of this mean for people with diabetes?”
“It means that 30 minutes of moderate physical activity—like brisk walking five to seven days per week—is a great goal for people trying to control blood sugar.”
“If people with diabetes can extend any or all of those sessions to 45 to 60 minutes or more, they’ll get additional benefits, including a better chance of losing weight.”
“There’s no need to start off immediately with 30 to 60 minutes of exercise daily.”
“Anyone who hasn’t exercised in a while or isn’t in good shape should start off slowly to avoid injuries or discouragement.”
“It is important to begin with only as much exercise as is comfortable, even if it’s just five or 10 minutes.”
“A minute or two should be added to each session and—within a few weeks—the exercise should last for a continuous 20 minutes to half an hour.”
Exercise Alternatives
“Any physical activity that engages the large muscles and elevates breathing—known as aerobic exercise—will benefit someone with diabetes.”
“Activities like mowing the lawn, doing housework, dancing, pushing a stroller, or walking nine holes on the golf course are just as effective as more focused fitness-oriented activities.”
“Someone who has diabetes, is overweight, and is just starting up an exercise program will probably lose weight. Even if they don’t, studies have shown that exercise helps control blood sugar regardless of weight loss.”
“Most people find that regular exercise gives them more energy, improves sleep, boosts mood, and reduces aches, pains, and other minor health problems.”
Blood Sugar Levels
“Exercise also affects blood sugar levels. How much? Everybody’s situation is different.”
“Heath care providers usually recommend that people with diabetes take and record their blood glucose levels before and after exercise so that the timing of exercise, medication, and meals can be adjusted if necessary.”
*“As exercise sessions increase in length, the risk of hypoglycemia—a condition in which blood sugar drops dangerously low—increases.”*
“People with diabetes should be sure to discuss this with members of their diabetes care teams.”
“Some people with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes are able to control their blood sugar levels solely through their exercise programs.”
Top 10 Reasons You Should Start Walking
“Why should you start walking? Walking for 30 to 60 minutes each day is one of the best things you can do for your body, mind, and spirit. Here are great reasons to lace up your sneakers and get started.”
1. “Walkers Live Longer”
“The Honolulu Heart Study of 8000 men found that walking just two miles (3.2 km) a day cut the risk of death almost in half. The walkers’ risk of death was especially lower from cancer. Other studies have had similar findings—if you keep walking, you improve your chances of a longer and healthier life.”
2. “Walking Helps Prevent Weight Gain”
“To lose weight, add in more steps.”
3. “You Can Walk off Weight”
“Exercise such as walking is an important part of any weight loss program. *You must still watch how much you eat in order to lose weight.*”
“Of long-term successful weight losers, almost all maintain a program of walking or other exercises.”
4. “Walking Reduces Risk of Cancer”
“Study after study has shown that walking and exercise reduces your risk of *breast cancer and colon cancer*. Walking is also good for those undergoing cancer treatment, improving their chances of recovery and survival.”
5. “Walking Reduces Risk of Heart Disease and Stroke”
“You can cut your risk of both in half by walking for 30-60 minutes a day. Get your blood moving!”
6. “Walking Reduces Diabetes Risk”
“*\Get out and walk for 30 minutes a day as your minimum daily requirement for health and to prevent Type 2 diabetes.”
“A study by the Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh, discovered that walking for 30 minutes a day cut diabetes risks for overweight as well as non-overweight men and women. Walking also helps maintain blood sugar balance for those with diabetes.”
7. “Walking Boosts Your Brain Power”
“A study of people over 60 funded by the National Council on Aging, published in the July 29, 1999, issue of Nature, found that walking 45 minutes a day at 16-minute mile pace increased the thinking skills of those over 60.”
8. “Walking Improves Mood and Relieves Stress”
“Walking and other exercise lead to the release of the body’s natural happy drugs—endorphins.
Most people notice an improvement in mood.”
9. “Walking Can Prevent Erectile Dysfunction”
“*What better reason for men to take a brisk 2-mile (3.2 km) walk each day—reduced risk of impotence from mid-life onward.*”
“Weekly exercise totaling 160 minutes done for six months may decrease erectile problems.”
10. “It’s Easy to Get Started”
“All you need is a pair of comfortable shoes and to get yourself out the door or onto the treadmill.”
How to Get a Better Walking Posture
“How you hold your body is an important factor in being able to walk comfortably and easily. With good posture, you will be able to breathe easier and you will avoid back pain.”
“Great walking posture will also make it easier to walk farther and to walk faster.”
“7 Steps to Good Walking Posture”
1. “Stand up straight. Visualize being tall and straight, like a tree. Do not arch your back.”
2. “Do not lean forward or lean back. Leaning puts a strain on the back muscles as you walk, and you should avoid leaning except when on a hill.”
3. “Eyes forward: Keep your eyes forward, not looking down. Your focus should be about 20 feet ahead of you. This way you will be able to see your path and anything coming at you from the sides.”
4. “Chin up (parallel to the ground): Keeping your chin up reduces strain on your neck and back. A proper chin position will also allow you to look ahead 20 feet rather than down at your feet. You might fall into the habit of tilting your head down by checking your mobile phone and not returning your head to a level position, so be sure to reposition your chin during your walk.”
5. “Shoulders back and relaxed: Shrug once and let your shoulders fall and relax, with your shoulders slightly back.”
6. “Suck in your stomach: Your core muscles can help you maintain good posture and resist slouching and leaning.”
7. “Tuck in your behind and rotate your hip forward slightly: This will keep you from arching your back.”
Mobile Devices and Walking Posture Problems
“Resist the urge to engage with your smartphone while walking or you will end up looking down at it and lose good posture. After each time you look at your phone or other walking gadgets, mindfully regain good walking posture”
Gear Up for Faster Walking: Shoes
“Your shoes can be slowing you down. You need to make sure you have the right shoes to walk faster.”
“Warmup and Cool-Down”
“Be sure to include the warmup and cool-down phases in each workout.”
“Arm Motion”
“Using your arms correctly can boost your walking speed.”
“Bend your elbows at 90 degrees.”
“How Long to Walk Each Day for Weight Loss”
“Aim for a brisk walk of 30 to 90 minutes most days of the week for weight loss. You can walk more on some days and less on others, but the total time for the week should be at least 150 minutes (2.5 hours).”
What Are Diabetic Socks? Reasons You May Need to Wear Diabetic Socks
“Diabetic socks are specially designed socks that keep the feet dry, decrease the risk of foot injury, and avoid preventing or slowing blood circulation. They usually are made of materials that have superior abilities to wick away moisture, are fitted, padded, and nonbinding. They differ from regular socks in that they are non-elastic and seamless.”
“Why People With Diabetes Need Special Socks”
“People with diabetes are at higher risk of foot injuries and infection due to potential damage to their circulatory and nervous systems caused by high blood sugar levels.”
“Nerve damage, or neuropathy, decreases sensation and increases the risk of injury, especially on the bottom of the feet. It can also cause a person with diabetes to be unaware of an injury and delay treatment.”
“Clearly, foot care is an extremely important consideration for someone with diabetes.”
“Not everyone with diabetes needs diabetic socks. For those without foot problems, regular socks that are comfortable, non-binding, fitted, and without lumps or uncomfortable seams would be sufficient.”
DISCUSSION 006 (Date: 04.12.19) DIABETIC MONITORING FORUM (DMF1 & DMF2) Presenter: Dr. Salihu Lukman Topic: How We Aided And Abetted The Spread Of The Monster Called Diabetes And How We Can Undo It In Just 7 Days.
We aided the spread of diabetes via 2 means:
a) Meals
b) Sedentary lifestyle
How we transited from our local healthier meal options to unhealthy diabetic-causing meals.
Although, I am very young (I may not be up to 25 years old🤔🤫😜), I will provide you with timelines of this terrible transition, from good to bad to worst.
The 80s – Early 90s: Prominent dishes in my locality (Zaria, Nigeria)
1) Fate (porridge): Ground maize, usually refined (later rice) or yam/beans, spinach/moringa/ rama (Hibiscus cannabinus)/yakuwa (Hibiscus sabdariffa), veggies, palm/peanut oil. [Healthy, high in fiber, not readily available now]
2) Dambu (in Hausa): Ground maize, usually refined, spinach/moringa, veggies, palm/peanut oil – a dry form of porridge. [Healthy, high in fiber]
3) Tuwon kasambara (in Hausa), ground maize (coarse) pudding: Coarse ground maize, usually refined, miyan taushe (Hausa form of vegetable soup). [Healthy, high in fiber if unrefined maize is used, not available now]
4) Tuwo (pudding): Powdered maize/sorghum is usually refined. [Healthy if whole-grain, unhealthy if refined grain. Semolina & rice have taken over. Acca, tamba, oats & whole wheat are excellent alternatives now]
5) Yam & pounded yam: Not healthy, but can be enriched by making porridge with less yam and more vegetables and beans
6) Rice (Tuwo or Jollof): Always refined, was not a common delicacy except amongst the rich, usually served during Sallah (Eid) and festivities (naming, wedding ceremonies, etc.). [Unhealthy, could be made healthier by adding beans and veggies. It has now dominated every nook and cranny, whether rich or poor]
7) Pasta: Locally made spaghetti with white flour. [Unhealthy, could be made healthier by adding beans and veggies. The locally made one is not available, but the packaged and imported ones have dominated every nook and cranny, whether rich or poor]
8) Dan wake (in Hausa), beans dumpling? Beans powder, peanut oil, onions. [Healthy if made from beans powder, tamba, or oats. Unhealthy if made from white wheat flour. It can also be enriched by adding veggies like cucumber and tomatoes. Not readily available now]
9) Moi-moi (beans cake): Ground beans, onions, veggies, egg. [Healthier if made from whole-grain beans without removing the bran and germ. It can also be taken with vegetable sauce. It is still available]
10) Fura da nono (millet cake and yogurt): Refined millet, full-fat or skimmed yogurt, sugar. [Healthy without sugar, healthier with unrefined millet, acca or tamba. It is still available]
11) Kwado (African salad): Zogala (moringa)/rama (Hibiscus cannabinus)/yakuwa (Hibiscus sabdariffa), onions, ground kuli-kuli (peanut biscuit). [Very healthy fiber source, not readily available now]
12) Sweat potato and ground kuli-kuli (peanut biscuit). [Although healthier than Irish potato, not recommended for diabetics]
13) Kunu (pap): Refined millet, corn, sorghum. [Healthy if made from whole grain. Acca, tamba, oats & whole wheat are excellent alternatives now. Available now especially during the fasting period of Ramadan]
I will receive my assignment immediately after I finish my presentation. We will share among ourselves a similar list from different ethnicities and regions. Your list should be presented using my format and provide all the details similar to or better than mine.
Currently, we have abandoned almost all the aforementioned excellent delicacies. Worse still, we have replaced them with unhealthy forms.
Nowadays, rice, pasta & Indomie have dominated every house irrespective of ethnicity or region.
These meals are some of the main reasons why diabetes is now so rampant in almost every family and its prevalence is growing at an alarmingly exponential rate.
b) Sedentary Lifestyle: Moving less & sitting more
The 80s – Early 90s (Zaria, Nigeria): Trekking long distances, no Okada (motorcycle transporter)/acaba/going, many bicycles, few motorcycles and automobiles, many subsistent farmers, numerous mortar and pestle grain refiners.
The mid-90s – Date (Zaria, Nigeria): No more trekking long distances, availability of Okada (motorcycle rider)/acaba/going and tricycles in every nook and cranny of almost all cities except the few cities where motorcycle transporters are banned, very few bicycles, most people now own automobiles, many farmlands have been sold, few subsistent farmers, no mortar and pestle grain refiners now (machines have taken over).
What is the overall impact of these changes?
A more sedentary lifestyle leads to an increased prevalence of obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart problems, etc.
Now, how can we stop this monster called diabetes (type 2) from affecting us or our dear ones?
This is a million-dollar question, yet, IT HAS A VERY SIMPLE ANSWER.
Since we have correctly identified the cause of our problem, in this case, diabetes, then, we have to retrace our steps.
We have to shun ALL UNHEALTHY MEALS: How?
(a) Never use refined grain such as millet, corn, sorghum, or wheat (by extension, any white flour-derived products such as pasta, semolina, macaroni, Indomie, white bread, meat pie, donut, chin chin, etc.)
(b) Avoid white or parboiled rice completely. Use brown rice only.
(c) Intensify the use of oats, tamba, acca, whole wheat for tuwo, pap, porridge, dan wake (beans dumpling?), cake, fura (millet cake), etc.
(d) Avoid using sugar or any sweetened product such as soft drinks, juices, biscuits, etc.
(e) Intensify the use of veggies and undressed salads in our meals.
(f) Intensify the consumption of fruits and veggies (most especially carrots, apples, boiled peanuts, bananas, grapes, pears, avocado, etc.) of all kinds and at all times except pineapple (high GI).
(g) Avoid the use of artificial sweeteners or diet/zero Coke completely.
(h) Avoid saturated fats from animals’ meat, and embrace olive oil (for cooking, etc.) or pure groundnut oil from kuli-kuli vendors. Reduce red meat intake, and increase white meat intake (such as fatty fish). Avoid margarine, Blue Bland, and butter (man shanu), use peanut butter (tunkuza) instead.
(i) Never delay taking a low-carb, high-protein, and high-fat breakfast and avoid hunger at all times except when fasting. At the same time, watch your portion size, because you can have hyperglycemia even with a healthy diet when taken in excess. You can peruse my meal timetable below to develop yours.
(j) Possession of glucometer and monitoring blood glucose on a daily basis until stability in sugar level is achieved
(k) Avoid a sedentary lifestyle completely. Walk for 30 min to 1 hr daily (at least 5 times per week) after consulting your doctor and avoid sitting in one place for more than 1 hr without moving around for like 5 min every hour. E.g. take the stairs, consider getting a standing desk, or a treadmill desk, do your chores, stretch during commercial breaks, have a garden, walk the longest parking lot area, swap your car for a bike, try a fitness tracker, etc.
(l) Avoid cigarettes and alcohol.
I give you my word, if you observe these guidelines (a – l), you will not only have your blood glucose under control, but you will also prevent hypertension and heart disease.
There are countless other herbs, spices, or plants that have scientifically proven antihyperglycemic effects. E.g. okra, cloves, moringa, zam-zam, dates, olives, figs, etc. []
But they don’t work like a magic wand, and no other medicine does, whether traditional/local medicine or diabetic medications. You need to incorporate them into your everyday meals before you can feel their impacts.
I call on any diabetic in this group whose blood sugar level has been inconsistent – today hyperglycemia and tomorrow hypoglycemia – to give the above guidelines (a-l) a try FOR JUST 7 DAYS and I will assure you that your blood glucose will no longer fluctuate unnecessarily.
Your doctor may need to review your medications or even discontinue them completely.
There is no magic here. Almighty has already provided you with a solution at your disposal.
I need volunteers (type 2 diabetics) – those whose sugar levels have been beyond maximum (11.1 mmol/L, 200 mg/dL) or minimum (3.9 mmol/L, 70 mg/dL) levels and who can strictly observe these guidelines (a-l) to monitor for just 7 days.
Let me give 2 success stories from diabetics who have tried the guidelines.
1. My humble self:
I was on insulin + metformin for 2 months in 2015 when I started diabetes treatment. In June 2016, during the fasting period, I would record hyperglycemia in the morning, 2hr after the meal (suhur), and hypoglycemia just before sunset.
This difficult condition called for a radical approach. I discontinued the metformin & fasting, observed all the guidelines (a-l), and MY BLOOD GLUCOSE BECAME NORMAL IN JUST ONE DAY NOT EVEN 7 DAYS. I have been living a healthy life, free of taking any diabetic medication or insulin since then. In addition, I lost 20 kg and still counting.
2. One of our Special Members (i.e. those who opted to fill out our online questionnaire [] to obtain our feedback on how to manage diabetes or weight loss) had been getting hyperglycemic readings. As a result, her kidney got infected, and was treated. She had already lost her mum and sister because of diabetes.
She received our feedback on 24th November 2019 and she pledged to abide by our recommendations for her diet and lifestyle. Just 3 days later, on the 27th of November, she informed me that she just measured her blood glucose and got 18.1 mmol/L. I still encouraged her to continue with her new diet. 3 days later, i.e. on the 30th of November, she informed me that she just measured her blood glucose and all praise is due to the Almighty, she got 8.1 mmol/L i.e. exactly 6 days after receiving our feedback (24 – 30). She confessed to me that ever since she was diagnosed with diabetes, she had never recorded any value as low as 8.1 mmol/L which implies that she had always been within the hyperglycemic region. Thanks to our feedback and her determination to follow it to the latter
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” – Hippocrates
“According to research, how we choose the time to eat meals could have a huge impact on your weight loss if you’re a dieter.”
“Researchers have managed to pinpoint the best time to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner if you’re slimming. They found that the best time to have your breakfast is just after 7am, 7.11am to be precise. It’s better to get stuck into your lunch sooner rather than later between 12.30pm and 1pm, with 12.38pm the best time. And when it comes to dinner, the later you leave it the worse it can be for your diet – the optimum time for dinner is between 6pm and 6.30pm, 6.14pm preferably.”
“What’s the harm of ignoring these guidelines governing the best time to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner, you might ask? But a recent study has shown that regularly sitting down to dinner after 8pm can add an extra two inches to your waist – that’s the equivalent of two dress sizes for a woman.”
“The researchers suggest that the difference could be because we have evolved to use up energy during the day, so our mechanisms slow down as we get ready for sleep, reducing the rate at which we process food.”
What about snacking?
“Experts have also managed to pinpoint ‘snack o’ clock’ – the time to eat when dieters are mostly likely to meet their downfall, with some consuming up to 750 additional calories at these points. 11.01am, 3.14pm and 9.31pm are the times when your willpower is most likely to fail you, so find activities to occupy your mind during these periods, or plan healthy snacks to keep you full into your schedule so you’re not tempted by less nutritious options.”
“It is at other vulnerable moments during the day – these snack o’clocks – when all the damage is done in diets.”
Skipping meals – what’s the harm?
“It’s also worth noting that six out of ten respondents in the Forza research said that weight loss would be even more difficult if meals were missed. An alarming number of people fall into the diet trap of thinking that more meals missed will mean more pounds lost, but this is a huge weight-loss myth.”
“If your body isn’t getting food then it isn’t getting nourishment, so it stores fat as your metabolism slows down to reserve energy. You could initially lose weight, but you will just end up eating more later on and putting all the weight back on. Three meals a day with healthy snacks in-between is still the optimum way to lose the pounds and keep them off too.”
What do the experts say about the best time to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner?
“Forza Supplements’ Lee Smith said ‘The results show that breakfast really is the most important meal of the day for successful dieters. Skipping it just makes you hungrier and more likely to over-indulge in later meals – causing a surge in blood sugar.”
Are Artificial Sweeteners Safe?
“Normally, the body’s response to sucrose is to reduce appetite and create a feeling of fullness, thereby reducing caloric intake. The same response does not seem to happen with artificial sweeteners, undermining the claim that they are “diet” products. This phenomenon is referred to as “caloric compensation” wherein people will often continue to eat despite not being hungry. At the same time, artificial sweeteners may trigger an insulin spike, something that diabetics may not realize when eating certain “diabetic” candies. Together, these effects can take back any of the gains promised to people who are either obese, diabetic, or suffering from chronic kidney disease. In 2012, the American Heart Association and American Diabetes Association issued a statement by which they both gave a guarded nod to artificial sweeteners, confirming their “appropriate use” as part of an informed dietary strategy. The statement also highlighted the risk calorie compensation and warned consumers against using sweeteners as a “magic bullet” to fight obesity and diabetes.”
The Problem With Artificial Sweeteners
“A number of studies have now shown that the artificial sweeteners used in diet sodas, such as aspartame, saccharin, sucralose, neotame and others, have been linked to weight gain, obesity, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. Further scientific evidence has shown that artificial sweeteners are associated with a higher risk of the same chronic diseases caused by regular sugar consumption. This has caused many experts to weigh in and recommend against the use of artificial sweeteners or sugar substitutes in any form, noting that these are not the solution to the obesity epidemic, and, in fact, may make things worse. Artificial Sweeteners May Lead to Diabetes.”
“The resulting poor regulation of blood glucose leads to insulin resistance (“pre-diabetes”) and, eventually, Type 2 diabetes. Studies have found that artificial sweeteners can also alter the normal gut bacteria, which also contributes to impaired blood glucose throughout the body.”
Energy Drinks’ Effect on Kidneys and Health
The FDA’s Stand
“It is important to appreciate that none of the energy drinks are regulated by the FDA. Therefore there is no regulation as to what ingredients can be put in them and no manufacturer is under obligation to prove any statement about the product’s efficacy.”
“However, deaths from excessive energy drink consumption have been reported, and the FDA is one of the federal organizations that will investigate any reported death or illness which might be apparently linked to an energy drink.”
Should a Person with Diabetes Use Artificial Sweeteners?
“Many foods labeled “diet” or “diabetic” contain artificial sweeteners, but that doesn’t mean they’re calorie-free—or even good for you. Check nutrition labels for calorie count, and look out for added fats and sodium too.”
Artificial Sweeteners and Weight Loss
“Interestingly, population studies often show that people who drink diet soft drinks are just as overweight (if not more overweight) than people who don’t drink them, so clearly there’s more to losing weight than simply swapping out your sodas. You need to reduce your total caloric intake from high-fat foods too; drinking a diet soda while wolfing down half of greasy pizza isn’t going to help. It’s fine to choose a diet soda, but cut way back to one slice of pizza and add a big healthful salad (dressing on the side, please).”
“Living with diabetes will probably require some dietary and lifestyle changes, and not everyone is the same, so please speak to your health care provider, diabetes educator, registered dietitian, or licenced nutritionist who specializes in diabetes before you add artificial sweeteners to your diabetic diet.”
DISCUSSION 009 (16.12.19) Prepared By: Dr. Salihu Lukman Topic: Brown Rice & Arsenic In Rice: Should You Be Concerned?
Is Brown Rice Good for You?
“Considered a whole grain, brown rice is less processed than white rice, which has had its hull, bran and germ removed.”
“Brown rice only has the hull (a hard protective covering) removed, leaving the nutrient-packed bran and germ.”
“As a result, brown rice retains the nutrients that white rice lacks such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.”
“However, many people avoid brown rice due to the rising popularity of low-carb diets.”
“Although similar in calories and carbohydrate content, brown rice outshines white rice in nearly every other category.”
“For example, brown rice contains phenols and flavonoids, a class of antioxidants that help protect the body from oxidative stress.”
“Oxidative stress is associated with a number of health conditions, including heart disease, certain types of cancer and premature aging.”
“The antioxidants found in brown rice help prevent cell injury caused by unstable molecules called free radicals and reduce inflammation in the body.”
“SUMMARY Brown rice is highly nutritious, providing the body with a wide array of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.”
Is Brown Rice Good for Weight Loss?
“Replacing more refined grains with brown rice may help you lose weight.”
“Refined grains like white rice, white pasta and white bread lack the fiber and nutrients that whole grains like brown rice contain.”
“For example, one cup (158 grams) of brown rice contains 3.5 grams of fiber, while white rice contains less than 1 gram.”
“Fiber helps keep you fuller over a longer period of time, so choosing fiber-rich foods may help you consume fewer calories overall.”
“In fact, studies show that people who eat more whole grains like brown rice weigh less than those who consume fewer whole grains.”
“Replacing white rice with brown rice may help reduce belly fat, too.”
“Additionally, the women who ate brown rice experienced a significant decrease in blood pressure and CRP, a marker of inflammation in the body.”
“SUMMARY Brown rice contains more fiber than refined grains like white rice. Choosing fiber-rich whole grains like brown rice may reduce belly fat and help you lose weight.”
It Can Benefit Heart Health
“There’s no doubt that brown rice is a heart-healthy food. It is rich in fiber and beneficial compounds that may help reduce the risk of heart disease.”
“A large study of over 560,000 people showed that people who ate the most dietary fiber had a 24–59% lower risk of developing heart disease, cancer and respiratory diseases.”
“Aside from being a good source of fiber, brown rice contains compounds called lignans that may help reduce heart disease risk factors.”
“Diets high in lignan-rich foods, such as whole grains, flax seeds, sesame seeds and nuts, have been associated with reduced cholesterol, lower blood pressure and decreased artery stiffness.”
“SUMMARY Brown rice is packed with fiber, lignans and magnesium, which all have beneficial effects on heart health and heart disease risk.”
It’s a Better Choice for Those With Diabetes
“Replacing white rice with brown rice may benefit people with diabetes in several ways.”
“In one study, people with type 2 diabetes who ate two servings of brown rice per day experienced a significant decrease in post-meal blood sugar and hemoglobin A1c (a marker of blood sugar control), compared to those who ate white rice.”
“Brown rice has a lower glycemic index than white rice, meaning that it’s digested slower and has less of an impact on blood sugar.”
“Choosing foods with a lower glycemic index can help those with diabetes better control their blood sugar.”
“Replacing white rice with brown rice may reduce the chances of developing type 2 diabetes in the first place.”
“In a study including over 197,000 people, swapping just 50 grams of white rice for brown rice per week was associated with a 16% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes.”
“SUMMARY Choosing brown rice over refined grains can help people with diabetes control their blood sugar and reduce the chances of developing diabetes at all.”
“Brown rice is a flexible ingredient that can be enjoyed in various recipes and meals. You can also use it as a healthy replacement for white rice or pasta.”
“Not to mention, swapping refined grains like white rice for brown rice may even help you lose weight. Brown rice is a versatile carb that can be eaten at any time of day.”
Brown Rice vs. White Rice: Which Is Better for You?
“All white rice starts out as brown rice. A milling process removes the rice’s husk, bran, and germ. This process increases white rice’s shelf life but removes much of its nutrition, including fiber, vitamins, and minerals.”
“To counteract this, white rice is artificially fortified with nutrients. The refined grain is also polished to appear more palatable.”
“Both white and brown rice are high in carbohydrates. Brown rice is a whole grain. It contains more overall nutrition than its paler counterpart. Whole-grain foods may help reduce cholesterol and lower the risk of stroke, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes.”
“The exact nutritional breakdown varies by manufacturer. Manufacturers are responsible for providing accurate nutritional and ingredient information.”
“Key nutritional differences”
“Here are a few key differences between white and brown rice. The exact nutritional components will vary depending on the rice manufacturer, so be sure to read the food label on any rice that you buy.”
“Brown rice is generally higher in fiber than white rice. It typically provides 1 to 3 g more fiber than a comparable amount of white rice.”
“Manganese is a mineral that is essential for energy production and antioxidant function. Brown rice is an excellent source of this nutrient, while white rice is not.”
“Rice is known to be contaminated with arsenic, whether white, brown, organic, or conventional. In fact, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Trusted Source issued a statement discouraging pregnant women and parents from using rice or rice cereals as the primary grain staple due to arsenic contamination. Arsenic is a heavy metal that the body accumulates over time and can’t excrete. So it’s prudent also for adults to eat a variety of foods and grains to limit their arsenic exposure in rice.”
Can you eat rice if you have diabetes?
“Both white and brown rice can have a high glycemic index (GI) score. The GI score of a food represents the impact it may have on blood sugar levels. It’s based on how slowly or quickly a given food can increase your blood sugar levels.”
“White rice has a GI of 72, so it can be quickly absorbed into your bloodstream. Brown rice has a GI of 50.”
“Brown rice is generally more nutritious than white rice. It’s higher in fiber, magnesium, and other nutrients, and it isn’t artificially enriched with nutrients like white rice is.”
Arsenic in Rice: Should You Be Concerned?
“Arsenic is one of the world’s most toxic elements.”
“Throughout history, it has been infiltrating the food chain and finding its way into our foods.”
“However, this problem is now getting worse, as widespread pollution is raising the levels of arsenic in foods, posing a serious health risk.”
“Recently, studies have detected high levels of arsenic in rice. This is a major concern, since rice is a staple food for a large part of the world’s population.”
“Should you be worried? Let’s have a look.”
What Is Arsenic?
“Arsenic is a toxic trace element, denoted by the symbol *As*.”
It is a metalloid – having properties of both metals and non-metals.
“It is not usually found on its own. Rather, it is bound with other elements in chemical compounds.”
“These compounds can be divided into two broad categories.”
1. Organic arsenic: mainly found in plant and animal tissues.
2. Inorganic arsenic: found in rocks and soil or dissolved in water. This is the more toxic form.
“Both forms are naturally present in the environment, but their levels have been increasing due to pollution.”
“For a number of reasons, rice may accumulate a significant amount of inorganic arsenic (the more toxic form) from the environment.”
“BOTTOM LINE Arsenic is a toxic element naturally present in our environment. It is divided into two groups, organic and inorganic arsenic, with inorganic arsenic being more toxic.”
Dietary Sources of Arsenic
“Arsenic is found in nearly all foods and drinks, but is usually only found in small amounts.”
“In contrast, relatively high levels are found in:”
1) “Contaminated drinking water: Millions of people around the world are exposed to drinking water that contains high amounts of inorganic arsenic. This is most common in South America and Asia.”
2) “Seafood: Fish, shrimp, shellfish and other seafood may contain significant amounts of organic arsenic, the less toxic form. However, mussels and certain types of seaweed may contain inorganic arsenic as well.”
3) “Rice and rice-based foods: Rice accumulates more arsenic than other food crops. In fact, it is the single biggest food source of inorganic arsenic, which is the more toxic form.”
“High levels of inorganic arsenic have been detected in many rice-based products, such as:”
• Rice milk
• Rice bran
• Rice-based breakfast cereals
• Rice cereal (baby rice)
• Rice crackers
• Brown rice syrup
• Cereal bars containing rice and/or brown rice syrup.
“BOTTOM LINE Seafood contains arsenic, but mostly the organic form. Rice and rice-based products may contain high levels of the inorganic (more toxic) form.”
“Why Is Arsenic Found in Rice?”
“Arsenic naturally occurs in water, soil and rocks, but its levels may be higher in some areas than others.”
“It readily enters the food chain and may accumulate in significant amounts in both animals and plants, some of which are eaten by humans.”
“As a result of human activities, arsenic pollution has been rising.”
“The main sources of arsenic pollution include certain pesticides and herbicides, wood preservatives, phosphate fertilizers, industrial waste, mining activities, coal burning and smelting.”
“Arsenic often drains into groundwater, which is heavily polluted in certain parts of the world.”
“From groundwater, arsenic finds its way into wells and other water supplies that may be used for crop irrigation and cooking.”
“Paddy rice (grown on flooded parcel of arable land) is particularly susceptible to arsenic contamination, for three reasons:”
1. It is grown in flooded fields (paddy fields) that require high quantities of irrigation water. In many areas, this irrigation water is contaminated with arsenic
2. Arsenic may accumulate in the soil of paddy fields, worsening the problem
3. Rice absorbs more arsenic from water and soil compared to other common food crops
“Using contaminated water for cooking is another concern, because rice grains easily absorb arsenic from cooking water when they are boiled.”
“BOTTOM LINE Rice efficiently absorbs arsenic from irrigation water, soil and even cooking water. Some of that arsenic is of natural origin, but pollution is often responsible for higher levels.”
How Much Arsenic Is in Your Rice?
“Regular exposure to small amounts of arsenic can increase the risk of bladder, lung, and skin cancer, as well as heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Recent studies also suggest that arsenic exposure in utero may have effects on the baby’s immune system.”
“The USA Rice Federation says, “Studies show that including white or brown rice in the diet provides measureable health benefits that outweigh the potential risks associated with exposure to trace levels of arsenic.”
“There is no federal limit for arsenic in rice and rice products. (The FDA has proposed a “action level” for arsenic in juice.”
“Nicer Rice”
“Our latest tests determined that the inorganic arsenic content of rice varies greatly depending on the type of rice and where it was grown. White basmati rice from California, India, and Pakistan, and sushi rice from the U.S. on average has half of the inorganic-arsenic amount of most other types of rice.”
“Our findings led us to treat those specific rice from those areas differently from other types of rice and rice grown in other regions.”
“All types of rice (except sushi and quick cooking) with a label indicating that it’s from Arkansas, Louisiana, or Texas or just from the U.S. had the highest levels of inorganic arsenic in our tests. For instance, white rices from California have 38 percent less inorganic arsenic than white rices from other parts of the country.”
“Brown rice has 80 percent more inorganic arsenic on average than white rice of the same type. Arsenic accumulates in the grain’s outer layers, which are removed to make white rice.”
“Brown basmati from California, India, or Pakistan is the best choice; it has about a third less inorganic arsenic than other brown rice.”
“Rice that’s grown organically takes up arsenic the same way conventional rice does, so don’t rely on organic to have less arsenic.”
Health Effects of Arsenic
“High doses of arsenic are acutely toxic, causing various adverse symptoms and even death.”
“Dietary arsenic is generally present in low amounts, and does not cause any immediate symptoms of poisoning.”
“However, long-term ingestion of inorganic arsenic may cause various health problems and increase the risk of chronic diseases.”
“These include:”
• Various types of cancer
• Narrowing or blockage of blood vessels (vascular disease).
• High blood pressure (hypertension)
• Heart disease
• Type 2 diabetes
In addition, arsenic is toxic to nerve cells and may affect brain function
In children and teenagers, arsenic exposure has been associated with:
• Impaired concentration, learning and memory
• Reduced intelligence and social competence
“BOTTOM LINE The toxic symptoms of dietary arsenic usually take a long time to develop. Long-term ingestion may increase the risk of various health problems, including cancer, heart disease, type 2 diabetes and decreased intelligence.”
Is Arsenic in Rice a Concern?
“Yes. There is no doubt about it, arsenic in rice is a problem.”
“This may pose a health risk to those who eat rice every day in considerable amounts.”
“This mainly applies to people in Asia or people with Asian-based diets.”
“Other groups who may eat a lot of rice products include young children.”
“Young children are especially vulnerable because of their small body size. Therefore, feeding them rice cereals every day may not be such a good idea.”
“Of additional concern is brown rice syrup, a rice-derived sweetener that may be high in arsenic. It is often used in baby formulas.”
“Of course, not all rice contains high arsenic levels, but determining the arsenic content of a particular rice product may be difficult (or impossible) without actually measuring it in a lab.”
“BOTTOM LINE Arsenic contamination is a serious concern for the millions of people who rely on rice as their staple food. Young children are also at risk if rice-based products make up a large part of their diet.”
“How to Reduce Arsenic in Rice”
“The arsenic content of rice can be reduced by washing and cooking the rice with clean water that is low in arsenic.”
“This is effective for both white and brown rice, potentially reducing the arsenic content by up to 57%.”
“However, if the cooking water is high in arsenic, it may have the opposite effect and raise the arsenic content significantly.”
“The following tips should help reduce the arsenic content of your rice:”
• Use plenty of water when cooking.
• Wash the rice before cooking. This method may remove 10–28% of the arsenic
• Brown rice contains higher amounts of arsenic than white rice. If you eat large amounts of rice, the white variety may be a better choice
• Choose aromatic rice, such as basmati or jasmine
• Choose rice from the Himalayan region, including North India, North Pakistan and Nepal
• If possible, avoid rice that is grown during the dry season. The use of arsenic-contaminated water is more common during that time
“The last and most important piece of advice concerns your diet as a whole. Make sure to diversify your diet by eating many different foods. Your diet should never be dominated by one type of food.”
“Not only does this ensure that you are getting all the nutrients you need, it also prevents you from getting too much of one thing.”
“BOTTOM LINE You can follow a few simple cooking methods tips to reduce the arsenic content of rice. Also keep in mind that some types of rice, such as basmati and jasmine, are lower in arsenic.”
DISCUSSION 010 (22.12.19) Prepared By: Dr. Salihu Lukman Topic: Health Implications of Fried Foods, Bado, Kuka and Garahuni on a Diabetic
Water Lily/Lily Bulb/Lotus Root (Bado in Hausa)
“The estimated glycemic load of lotus root is three if your serving size is 1/2 cup. Even a larger 90-gram serving has a glycemic load of only five, making it a low glycemic food.”
Health Benefits
“A serving of lotus root provides 3.6mg of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids boost the health of cell membranes in the body and may provide protective benefits against chronic diseases including heart disease, cancer, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, age-related macular degeneration, and dry eyes.”
“The fiber in lotus root also provides health benefits. Fiber helps you to feel full and satisfied after eating which can be helpful if you are trying to reach or maintain a healthy weight. Eating enough fiber also helps you to maintain a healthy digestive system.”
The Bottom Line
If you’re a diabetic, you’ll still want to monitor portions of plantain because it contains carbohydrates that can increase blood sugar and it is a medium glycemic load (GL) food.
To make it healthier, one can use healthy oil (olive, groundnut, etc.) to fry it.
Can You Eat Sweet Potato Skins, and Should You?
“The fiber content of sweet potatoes mainly comes from the peel. Therefore, removing it will decrease your fiber intake.”
“Research has shown that the nutrients in vegetables and fruits tend to be concentrated around the peel. Thus, removing the peel can reduce your intake of nutrients and antioxidants.”
“SUMMARY Sweet potato skins are rich in fiber, antioxidants, and nutrients like potassium, manganese, and vitamins A, C, and E, all of which may help improve your health.”
“Sweet potato skins are safe to eat both raw and cooked.”
“However, since sweet potatoes are tubers and grow in the ground, it’s important to properly wash the outer skin to remove any excess dirt, pesticides, or debris.”
“Sweet potato skins can be enjoyed by themselves or along with the flesh.”
“They’re rich in fiber, other nutrients, and antioxidants that can help support a healthy gut, increase feelings of fullness, and prevent chronic disease.”
You can derive similar benefits when you eat Irish potato skins.
Why Are Fried Foods Bad For You?
“Deep frying is a common cooking method used across the globe. It’s often used by restaurants and fast food chains as a quick and inexpensive way to prepare foods.”
“Many people like the taste of fried foods. Yet these foods tend to be high in calories and trans fat, so eating a lot of them can have negative effects on your health.”
“This article explains why commercially fried foods are bad for you and provides some healthier alternatives to consider.”
Fried Foods Are High in Calories
“Compared to other cooking methods, deep frying adds a lot of calories.”
“For starters, fried foods are typically coated in batter or flour prior to frying. Furthermore, when foods are fried in oil, they lose water and absorb fat, which further increases their calorie content.”
“Generally speaking, fried foods are significantly higher in fat and calories than their non-fried counterparts.”
“For example, one small baked potato (100 grams) contains 93 calories and 0 grams of fat, while the same amount (100 grams) of french fries contain 319 calories and 17 grams of fat.”
“As you can see, calories add up quickly when eating fried foods.”
“SUMMARY Fried foods contain more calories than their non-fried counterparts. Eating a lot of them can significantly increase your calorie intake.”
Fried Foods Are Typically High in Trans Fats
“Trans fats are formed when unsaturated fats undergo a process called hydrogenation.”
“Food manufacturers often hydrogenate fats using high pressure and hydrogen gas to increase their shelf life and stability, but hydrogenation also occurs when oils are heated to very high temperatures during cooking.”
“The process changes the chemical structure of fats, making them difficult for your body to break down, which can ultimately lead to negative health effects.”
“The process changes the chemical structure of fats, making them difficult for your body to break down, which can ultimately lead to negative health effects.”
“In fact, trans fats are associated with an increased risk of many diseases, including heart disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity.”
“Since fried foods are cooked in oil at extremely high temperatures, they are likely to contain trans fats. What’s more, fried foods are often cooked in processed vegetable or seed oils, which may contain trans fats prior to heating.”
“One US study on soybean and canola oils found that 0.6–4.2% of their fatty acid contents were trans fats.”
“When these oils are heated to high temperatures, such as during frying, their trans fat content can increase.”
“In fact, one study found each time an oil is re-used for frying, its trans fat content increases.”
“However, it’s important to distinguish between these artificial trans fats and trans fats that occur naturally in foods like meat and dairy products.
These have not been shown to have the same negative effects on health as those found in fried and processed foods.”
“SUMMARY Fried foods are often cooked in processed vegetable or seed oils. When heated, these oils can form trans fats, which are associated with a number of health problems, including an increased risk of several diseases.”
“Generally speaking, eating more fried foods is associated with a greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease and obesity.”
“One study found that people who ate fast food more than two times per week were twice as likely to develop insulin resistance, compared to those who ate it less than once a week.”
“SUMMARY Individuals who regularly consume fried foods may be at a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease and obesity. It seems that the higher your intake, the greater your risk.”
“If you enjoy the taste of fried foods, consider cooking them at home using healthier oils or alternative “frying” methods.”
“The type of oil used for frying heavily influences the health risks associated with fried foods. Some oils can withstand much higher temperatures than others, making them safer to use.”
“Generally speaking, oils that consist mostly of saturated and monounsaturated fats are the most stable when heated.”
“Coconut oil, olive oil and avocado oil are among the healthiest.”
“Generally speaking, oils that consist mostly of saturated and monounsaturated fats are the most stable when heated.”
“SUMMARY Coconut oil, olive oil and avocado oil are among the healthiest oils to fry foods in. You can also try oven-frying or air-frying foods, which yield similar results using very little oil.”
On Garahuni (Balsam apple/bitter melon) & diabetes:
KUKA: Top 6 Benefits of Baobab Fruit and Powder
“SUMMARY Baobab is highly nutritious and different parts of the plant supply varying amounts of protein, vitamin C, antioxidants, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, calcium and B vitamins.”
“Adding baobab to your diet may benefit blood sugar control.”
“In fact, one study found that baking baobab extract into white bread reduced the amount of rapidly-digested starch and slowed down the increase of blood sugar levels in the body.”
“SUMMARY Baobab may help slow the increase of blood sugar levels and decrease the amount of insulin needed to keep your blood sugar under control.”
“SUMMARY Baobab is high in fiber, which may improve digestive health and prevent conditions like constipation, intestinal ulcers, inflammatory bowel disease and hemorrhoids.”
DISCUSSION 011 (22.02.20) Prepared By: Dr. Salihu Lukman Topic: What is Water Therapy (Hydrotherapy): Can It Treat Diabetes?
Water Therapy or Hydrotherapy
“Hydrotherapy is the use of water, both internally and externally and at varying temperatures, for health purposes.”
“Also known as water therapy, hydrotherapy includes such treatments as saunas, steam baths, foot baths, contrast therapy, hot and cold showers, and water therapy.”
“From Roman baths to hot mineral springs, cultures around the world have used water for centuries to treat a variety of health concerns.”
“Father Sebastian Kneipp, a 19th-century Bavarian monk, is said to be the father of modern hydrotherapy. Kneipp’s use of alternating hot and cold water (called contrast hydrotherapy) is still used today.”
“According to proponents of hydrotherapy, cold water causes superficial blood vessels to constrict, moving blood flow away from the surface of the body to organs.”
“Hot water causes superficial blood vessels to dilate, activating sweat glands, and removing waste from body tissues.”
“Alternating hot and cold water is thought to decrease inflammation and stimulate circulation and lymphatic drainage.”
“Hydrotherapy is often done at health centers, spas, or at home. Common types include:”
“1) Watsu: An aquatic massage where the therapist uses massage techniques while you float comfortably in a warm water pool.”
“2) Sitz bath: A sitz bath involves two adjacent tubs of water, one warm and one cool. You sit in one tub with your feet in the other tub, and then alternate. Sitz baths are recommended for hemorrhoids, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and menstruation problems.”
“3) Warm water baths: Soak in warm water for up to 30 minutes, depending on the condition. Epsom salts, mineral mud, aromatherapy oils, ginger, moor mud, and dead sea salts may be added.”
“4) Steam bath or Turkish bath: Steam rooms are filled with warm, humid air. The steam is said to help the body release impurities.”
“5) Sauna: The dry, warm air promotes sweating.”
“6) Compresses: Towels are soaked in warm and/or cool water and then placed on a particular area on the body. Cool compresses reduce inflammation and swelling, while warm compresses promote blood flow and ease stiff and sore muscles.”
“7) Wraps: While lying down, cold, wet flannel sheets are used to wrap the body. The person is then covered with dry towels and then blankets. The body warms up in response and dries the wet sheets. It’s used for colds, skin disorders, and muscle pain.”
“8) Contrast hydrotherapy: At the end of a shower, turn the temperature down to a level you can comfortably tolerate (it shouldn’t be icy cold). Turn the water off after 30 seconds (some people alternate between warm and cool water for up to three cycles, always ending with cool water).”
“9) Warming socks: Take a pair of wet cotton socks, wet them thoroughly, wring them out and put them on your feet. Then put a dry pair of wool socks over them and go to bed. Remove them in the morning. The cold, wet socks are said to improve circulation in the body and help ease upper body congestion.”
“10) Hot fomentation: Hot compresses or hot water bottles may be used to treat acute conditions such as chest colds and coughs. It is said to relieve symptoms but also decrease the length of the illness.”
“11) Hydrotherapy pool exercises: Exercising in a warm-water pool. The warm water allows you to exercise without fighting gravity and offers gentle resistance. It’s considered helpful for back pain, arthritis, and other musculoskeletal conditions. Unlike water aerobics, hydrotherapy exercises tend to be slow and controlled. Often done under the guidance of a physiotherapist.”
12) Hot tub therapy: Hot Baths Might Be Just As Good For You As Exercise, Study Reveals.
A steaming, bubbly tub of research from Loughborough University has revealed that hot baths might be better than running or cycling when it comes to controlling blood sugar and reducing inflammation.
I will discuss the last 2 (i.e. water fasting and Japanese water therapy) in greater detail.
Water Fasting
“Fasting, a method of restricting food intake, has been practiced for thousands of years.”
“Water fasting is a type of fast that restricts everything except water. It has become more popular in recent years as a quick way to lose weight.”
“Studies have shown that water fasting could have health benefits. For example, it may lower the risk of some chronic diseases and stimulate autophagy, a process that helps your body break down and recycle old parts of your cells”
“That said, human studies on water fasting are very limited. Moreover, it comes with many health risks and is not suitable for everyone.”
“What is water fasting?”
“Water fasting is a type of fast during which you cannot consume anything besides water.”
“Most water fasts last 24–72 hours. You should not follow a water fast for longer than this without medical supervision.”
“Here are a few reasons why people try water fasting:”
• religious or spiritual reasons
• to lose weight
• for “detoxing”
• for its health benefits
• preparing for a medical procedure
“In fact, several studies have linked water fasting with some impressive health benefits, including a lower risk of certain cancers, heart disease, and diabetes”
“Water fasting may also promote autophagy, a process in which your body breaks down and recycles old, potentially dangerous parts of your cells”
“water fasting has many risks and can be very dangerous if followed for too long.”
“Water fasting is a type of fast during which you’re not allowed to consume anything except water. It’s linked with a lower risk of chronic disease and autophagy, but it also comes with many risks.”
“Several groups of people should not water fast without medical supervision.”
“This includes people with gout, diabetes (both types 1 and 2), eating disorders, older adults, pregnant women, and children”
“If you have never water fasted before, it’s a good idea to spend 3–4 days preparing your body for being without food.”
“You can do this by eating smaller portions at each meal or by fasting for part of the day.”
Water fast (24–72 hours)
“During a water fast, you are not allowed to eat or drink anything besides water.”
“Most people drink two to three liters of water per day during a water fast.”
“The water fast lasts for 24–72 hours. You should not water fast for longer than this without medical supervision because of health risks.”
“Some people may feel weak or dizzy during a water fast and may want to avoid operating heavy machinery and driving to avoid causing an accident”
“Post-fast (1–3 days)”
“After the water fast, you should resist the urge to eat a big meal.”
“This is because eating a large meal after a fast may cause uncomfortable symptoms.”
“Instead, break your fast with a smoothie or smaller meals. You can start introducing larger meals throughout the day as you feel more comfortable.”
“The post-fast phase is especially important after longer fasts. This is because you may be at risk of refeeding syndrome, a potentially fatal condition in which the body undergoes rapid changes in fluid and electrolyte levels”
“This phase normally lasts a day, but people who fast for 3 or more days may need up to 3 days before they feel comfortable eating larger meals.”
“A water fast usually lasts 24–72 hours and is followed by a post-fast phase. If you’re new to water fasting, you might want to spend 3–4 days preparing your body to be without food by reducing your portion sizes or fasting for part of the day.”
“Potential benefits of water fasting”
“Both human and animal studies have linked water fasting to a variety of health benefits.”
“1. May promote autophagy”
“Autophagy is a process in which old parts of your cells are broken down and recycled”
“Several animal studies suggest that autophagy may help protect against diseases like cancer, Alzheimer’s, and heart disease”
“For example, autophagy may prevent damaged parts of your cells from accumulating, which is a risk factor for many cancers. This may help prevent cancer cells from growing”
“That said, there are very few human studies on water fasting, autophagy, and disease prevention. More research is needed before recommending it to promote autophagy.”
“2. May help lower blood pressure”
“Research shows that longer, medically supervised water fasts may help people with high blood pressure lower their blood pressure”
“In one study, 68 people who had borderline high blood pressure water fasted for nearly 14 days under medical supervision. At the end of the fast, 82% of people saw their blood pressure fall to healthy levels (120/80 mmHg or less).”
“Unfortunately, no human studies have investigated the link between short-term water fasts (24–72 hours) and blood pressure.”
“3. May improve insulin and leptin sensitivity”
“Insulin and leptin are important hormones that affect the body’s metabolism. Insulin helps the body store nutrients from the bloodstream, while leptin helps the body feel full”
“Research shows that water fasting could make your body more sensitive to leptin and insulin. Greater sensitivity makes these hormones more effective”
“For example, being more insulin sensitive means your body is more efficient at reducing its blood sugar levels. Meanwhile, being more leptin sensitive could help your body process hunger signals more efficiently, and in turn, lower your risk of obesity”
“4. May lower the risk of several chronic diseases”
“There is some evidence that water fasting may lower the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes, cancer, and heart disease”
“In one study, 30 healthy adults followed a water fast for 24 hours. After the fast, they had significantly lower blood levels of cholesterol and triglycerides — two risk factors for heart disease”
“Several animal studies have also found that water fasting may protect the heart against damage from free radicals”
“Free radicals are unstable molecules that can damage parts of cells. They are known to play a role in many chronic diseases”
“Research shows that water fasting may lower the risk of many chronic diseases and promote autophagy. However, most research is from animal or short-term studies. More studies are needed before recommending it.”
Dangers and risks of water fasting
“1. May lose the wrong type of weight”
“Because a water fast restricts calories, you will lose a lot of weight quickly. In fact, research shows that you may lose up to 2 pounds (0.9 kg) each day of a 24- to 72-hour water fast. Unfortunately, a lot of the weight you lose may come from water, carbs, and even muscle mass.”
“2. May become dehydrated”
“Although it sounds strange, a water fast could make you dehydrated. This is because roughly 20–30% of your daily water intake comes from the foods you eat. If you’re drinking the same amount of water but not eating foods, you might not be getting enough water. Symptoms of dehydration include dizziness, nausea, headaches, constipation, low blood pressure, and low productivity. To avoid dehydration, you may need to drink more than usual”
“3. May experience orthostatic hypotension”
“Orthostatic hypotension is common among people who water fast. It’s defined as a drop in blood pressure that happens when you suddenly stand up, and it can leave you dizzy, lightheaded, and at risk of fainting”
“If you experience orthostatic hypotension while fasting, you may need to avoid driving or operating heavy machinery. The dizziness and risk of fainting could lead to an accident. If you experience these symptoms during a water fast, this fast may not suit you.”
“4. Water fasting may worsen several medical conditions”
“People with the following medical conditions should not water fast without first seeking advice from their healthcare provider:”
• Gout. Water fasting may increase uric acid production, a risk factor for gout attacks.
• Diabetes. Fasting may increase the risk of adverse side effects in type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
• Eating disorders. There is some evidence that fasting may encourage eating disorders like bulimia, especially in teenagers.”
“Although water fasting may have some health benefits, it comes with many risks and dangers. For example, water fasting could make you prone to muscle loss, dehydration, blood pressure changes, and a variety of other health conditions.”
Will water fasting help you lose weight?
“Like other types of fasting, water fasting can help you lose weight. However, it comes with plenty of health risks.”
“If you want to reap the benefits of fasting but also want to lose weight, intermittent fasting and alternate-day fasting are probably more effective approaches.”
Alternate-day fasting is what prophet Dawood [A.S.](King David in English) used to do.
It is narrated by Bukhari & Muslim from Abd-Allaah ibn Amr (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The best fasting is the fast of Dawood: he used to fast alternate days.”
“These fasts provide similar health benefits but can be followed for much longer periods, as they allow you to eat food, decreasing the risk of nutrient deficiencies”
“A water fast can help you lose weight, but other types of fasting can offer you the benefits of fasting and weight loss with fewer risks.”
Case Studies
1) Muhammad Nasiruddeen Al-Albany (famous hadith scholar of blessed memory, may Allah have mercy on his soul): He was suffering from asthma. He water-fasted for 40 days taking only the blessed Zam-Zam well water located near the Ka’aba within Masjid Al-Haram in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. He narrated his story in his book titled Fadlu Ma’u Zam-Zam – Virtue of Zam-Zam water.
He was completely cured of asthma after the water-fasting period.
Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said: “The best water on the face of the earth is the water of Zamzam; it is a kind of food and a healing from sickness.” Reported by Al-Tabarani in Al-Mu’jam Al-Kabir.
2) Lukman Yusuf Lukman (my elder brother): When he was suffering from many diseases, he partially water-fasted for 16 days using Zam-Zam water. He was fully cured of the diseases after the water-fasting period.
We, his siblings had to test him before we finally accepted that he had recovered from the ailments. I share this success story with his permission.
Japanese Water Therapy
“Japanese water therapy involves drinking several glasses of room-temperature water every morning when you first wake up.”
“Online, it’s claimed that this practice can treat a host of problems, spanning from constipation and high blood pressure to type 2 diabetes and cancer.”
“However, many of these claims have been exaggerated or are not supported by science.”
“Supposedly, Japanese water therapy gets its name from being widely used in Japanese medicine and among the Japanese people.”
“It involves drinking room-temperature or warm water on an empty stomach after waking to cleanse the digestive system and regulate gut health, which — according to proponents — can heal a variety of conditions.”
“In addition, advocates of Japanese water therapy claim that cold water is harmful because it can cause the fats and oils in your food to harden in your digestive tract, thus slowing down digestion and causing disease.”
“The therapy includes the following steps that should be repeated daily:”
“Drink four to five 3/4-cup (160-ml) glasses of room-temperature water on an empty stomach upon waking and before brushing your teeth, and wait another 45 minutes before eating breakfast.”
“At each meal, eat only for 15 minutes, and wait at least 2 hours before eating or drinking anything else.”
“According to practitioners, Japanese water therapy must be done for different periods to treat different conditions. Here are some examples:”
• Constipation: 10 days
• High blood pressure: 30 days
• Type 2 diabetes: 30 days
• Cancer: 180 days”
“Though drinking more water may help with constipation and blood pressure, there is no evidence that Japanese water therapy can treat or cure type 2 diabetes or cancer. However, drinking more water may bring along some other health benefits.”
“Increased water intake”
“Using Japanese water therapy includes drinking several glasses of water per day, helping you stay adequately hydrated.”
“There are numerous benefits to adequate hydration, including optimal brain function, sustained energy levels, and body temperature and blood pressure regulation”
“In addition, drinking more water may help prevent constipation, headaches, and kidney stones”
“Most people get enough fluid by simply drinking to satisfy their thirst. However, if you’re very active, work outdoors, or live in a hot climate, you may need to drink more.”
“Lower calorie intake”
“Practicing Japanese water therapy may help you lose weight via calorie restriction.”
“First, if you replace sugar-sweetened beverages like fruit juice or soda with water, your calorie intake is automatically decreased — potentially by several hundred calories per day.”
“Additionally, sticking to regimented eating windows of only 15 minutes per meal, after which you can’t eat again for 2 hours, may restrict your calorie intake.”
“Finally, drinking more water may help you feel fuller and make you eat fewer overall calories from food.”
“All this said, research on the effect of water intake on weight loss is mixed, with some studies finding positive results and others seeing no effects”
“Side effects and precautions”
“Occurs when you drink an excessive amount of water in a short period of time. It’s caused by hyponatremia — or low salt levels — in your blood due to salt being diluted by excessive fluid”
“It’s a serious condition that can result in death, but it’s rare in healthy people whose kidneys are able to quickly get rid of excess fluid.”
“To be safe, don’t drink more than about 4 cups (1 liter) of fluid per hour, as this is the maximum amount that a healthy person’s kidneys can handle at once.”
“If you’re trying to lose weight, excessive calorie restriction can lead to rebound weight gain after finishing the therapy. Restricting calories reduces the number of calories you burn at rest and causes spikes in the hormone ghrelin — which increases feelings of hunger”
“Does it work?”
“Japanese water therapy is touted as a cure for a variety of conditions from constipation to cancer, but there is no evidence to support this.”
“Furthermore, there appear to be only few upsides to avoiding cold water. Cold water does decrease your gastrointestinal temperature and may slightly increase blood pressure in some people, but it will not cause fats to solidify in your digestive tract”
“Before you consider using Japanese water therapy to treat a condition or disease, you should discuss it with your healthcare provider.”
DISCUSSION 012 (29.02.20) Prepared By: Dr. Salihu Lukman Topic: Wheat & Gluten – How Safe is Wheat to a Diabetic?
What Is Gluten?
“Going gluten-free may be the biggest health trend of the past decade, but there’s confusion over whether gluten is problematic for everyone or just those with certain medical conditions.”
“It’s clear that some people must avoid it for health reasons, such as those with celiac disease or an intolerance.”
“Though often thought of as a single compound, gluten is a collective term that refers to many different types of proteins (prolamins) found in wheat, barley, rye, and triticale (a cross between wheat and rye)”
“Various prolamins exist, but all are related and have similar structures and properties. The main prolamins in wheat include gliadin and glutenin, while the primary one in barley is hordein”
“Gluten proteins — such as glutenin and gliadin — are highly elastic, which is why gluten-containing grains are suited for making bread and other baked goods.”
“Gluten is an umbrella term that refers to a family of proteins known as prolamins. These proteins are resistant to human digestion.”
Gluten Intolerance
“The term gluten intolerance refers to three types of conditions”
“Although the following conditions do have some similarities, they differ greatly in terms of origin, development, and severity.”
“Gluten intolerance refers to celiac disease, wheat allergy, and NCGS. Although some symptoms overlap, these conditions have significant differences.”
Should Everyone Avoid Gluten?
“It’s clear that many people, such as those with celiac disease, NCGS, and autoimmune diseases, benefit from following a gluten-free diet.”
“Cutting out gluten-containing foods may improve health for several reasons, some of which may be unrelated to gluten.”
Are Gluten-Free Products Healthier?
“It’s important to note that just because an item is gluten-free doesn’t mean that it’s healthy.”
“Although gluten-free products are proven to be beneficial for those who need them, they’re not any healthier than those that contain gluten.”
“While it’s safe to follow a gluten-free diet, it’s important to know that processed gluten-free products are not any healthier than gluten-containing ones.”
“Following a gluten-free diet is a necessity for some and a choice for others.”
“The relationship between gluten and overall health is complicated, and research is ongoing.”
“Gluten has been linked to autoimmune, digestive, and other health conditions. While people with these disorders must or should avoid gluten, it’s still unclear whether a gluten-free diet benefits those without an intolerance.”
“Wheat is highly controversial because it contains a protein called gluten, which can trigger a harmful immune response in predisposed individuals.”
“However, for people who tolerate it, whole-grain wheat can be a rich source of various antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber.”
“Whole wheat is high in fiber — but refined wheat contains almost none.”
“Gluten a large family of proteins, accounts for up to 80% of the total protein content.”
“Wheat gluten can have adverse health effects in people with gluten intolerance.”
“Carbs are the main nutritional component of wheat. Still, this grain harbors significant amounts of fiber, which may aid your digestion. Its protein mostly comes in the form of gluten.”
“Whole wheat may be a decent source of several vitamins and minerals, including selenium, manganese, phosphorus, copper, and folate.”
“Wheat bran, which is present in whole wheat, may contain a number of healthy antioxidants, such as alkylresorcinols and lignans. Notably, white flour and other refined wheat products do not contain these compounds.”
“While white wheat may not be particularly beneficial to health, whole-grain wheat may offer several positive effects — especially when it replaces white flour.”
“Whole wheat and other whole-grain cereals may promote gut health and reduce your risk of colon cancer.”
Celiac disease
“Celiac disease is characterized by a harmful immune reaction to gluten.”
“Celiac disease damages your small intestine, resulting in impaired absorption of nutrients”
“Associated symptoms include weight loss, bloating, flatulence, diarrhea, constipation, stomach pain, and fatigue”
“Gluten — which is found in all wheat — can harm individuals with celiac disease. This condition is characterized by damage to your small intestine and impaired absorption of nutrients.”
“Gluten in wheat is a primary allergen, affecting approximately 1% of children”
“Wheat has a number of potential downsides. These include allergy, worsened IBS symptoms, wheat intolerance, and antinutrient content.”
Symptoms of wheat allergy
“A wheat allergy is an immune response to any of the proteins present in wheat, including but not limited to gluten. It’s most common in children. Around 65 percent of children with a wheat allergy outgrow it by the age of 12.”
“Symptoms of wheat allergy include:”
• nausea and vomiting
• diarrhea
• irritation of your mouth and throat
• hives and rash
• nasal congestion
• eye irritation
• difficulty breathing
“Symptoms related to a wheat allergy will usually begin within minutes of consuming the wheat. However, they can begin up to two hours after.”
“Someone who is allergic to wheat may or may not be allergic to other grains such as barley or rye.”
Symptoms of celiac disease
“Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder in which your immune system responds abnormally to gluten. Gluten is present in wheat, barley, and rye. If you have celiac disease, eating gluten will cause your immune system to destroy your villi. These are the fingerlike parts of your small intestine that are responsible for absorbing nutrients.”
“Children will most commonly have digestive symptoms. These can include:”
• abdominal bloating and gas
• chronic diarrhea
• constipation
• pale, foul-smelling stool
• stomach pain
• nausea and vomiting
“Adults may also have digestive symptoms if they have celiac disease. However, adults are more likely to experience symptoms such as:”
• fatigue
• anemia
• depression and anxiety
• osteoporosis
• joint pain
• headaches
• canker sores inside the mouth
• infertility or frequent miscarriages
• missed menstrual periods
• tingling in the hands and feet
“Recognizing celiac disease in adults can be difficult because its symptoms are often broad. They overlap with many other chronic conditions.”
“If you think you might suffer from a gluten- or wheat-related condition, then it’s important that you talk to your doctor before diagnosing yourself or beginning any treatment on your own.”
“The treatment for celiac disease is adhering to a strict gluten-free diet. The treatment for a wheat allergy is to adhere to a strict wheat-free diet.”
Further Reading:
DISCUSSION 013 (07.03.20) Prepared By: Dr. Salihu Lukman Topic: Tea & Its Significance For Diabetics
“According to a study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, drinking caffeinated green tea may help lower your risk of type-2 diabetes”
“Here’s why green tea may be good for diabetics”
1. Green tea has long been known for weight loss and thus helps people with type-2 diabetes get their blood sugar levels under control. The zero-calorie drink is one go-to drink you can look up to.
2. The catechins (antioxidants) present in green tea help reduce the effects of insulin resistance by decreasing the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates.
3. Green tea also has a powerful antioxidant called polyphenol that may have anti-inflammatory properties. Polyphenols come from plants and help protect our cells from damage.
4. Chronic conditions like diabetes may add stress and anxiety, so a cupful of green tea can help manage the problem. It may have a calming effect on the mind and body as it contains the amino-acid L-theanine, which is said to reduce anxiety and stress.
How much green tea you should drink to control diabetes?
“Excess of anything is bad, and so, moderation is the key. Excessive caffeine in green tea can negatively impact your blood pressure and blood sugar. It is best to always consult a doctor who will be able to tell the amount of green tea you must drink and how it may help your body.”
How to Understand Different Types of Tea
“Before you buy, it’s helpful to understand certain tea basics. All traditional tea comes from the Camellia sinensis plant. There are only four categories of traditional tea:”
• White tea [For more details on white tea –]
• Green tea [For more details on green tea –]
• Black tea
“The difference between each tea is the degree to which the leaves are oxidized or fermented.”
“Usually, tea leaves that are heavily oxidized are darker or redder, and teas that are less fermented are lighter or greener. Traditional tea usually contains caffeine.”
“Herbal teas and fruit teas are different than traditional teas. These varieties are less likely to contain caffeine. As you might imagine from their name, they are produced from dried herbs or fruit. Different herbs may provide a variety of health benefits”
“Traditional black tea is the most popular kind of tea worldwide.”
“Like green tea, black tea contains polyphenols including catechins, flavonoids, and tannins. Polyphenols are plant-based compounds that may provide health benefits. Researchers have linked the consumption of flavonoids to important health outcomes”
“Black tea is rich in plant compounds that act as antioxidants. Most experts recommend that if you want to take full advantage of black tea’s health benefits, use loose leaves (rather than a tea bag) and don’t add milk or sugar.” [For more details on black tea –]
Chamomile Tea
“Chamomile (or manzanilla) is an herbal tea. It does not contain caffeine like black tea or green tea, so it does not provide stimulation in the same manner as those traditional teas. Instead, chamomile is widely recognized as a calming tea.”
“There is some scientific evidence to support the use of chamomile tea for anxiety and insomnia.”
“Side effects from chamomile tea may include redness or swelling in people who are hypersensitive or allergic to the plant (especially those who are allergic to ragweed or chrysanthemums).”
“Chamomile is a calming, soothing herbal tea that can be helpful for sleep and reducing anxiety.”
Turmeric tea
“Turmeric tea is gaining popularity in food and nutrition circles, but it is not really tea in a traditional sense. It isn’t brewed with tea leaves or from herbs. Instead, it is a blend of spices combined to provide flavor and health benefits.”
“Fans of the drink believe that it has anti-cancer properties, decreases inflammation, improves acne, reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, provides weight loss benefits, and can even reduce pain and depression.”
“There is scientific evidence to support some of these benefits. Turmeric contains curcumin, an active ingredient that has been well-studied in both animals and humans. Research has provided some evidence that curcumin has anti-inflammatory properties.”
“Turmeric has high promise for decreasing inflammation and joint pain, as well as in the treatment of certain cancers, but it is not a replacement for standard medical care.”
Walking My Talk
My Tea: 3L daily. Ingredients: Black pepper, cloves, ginger, cardamom, cinnamon, 2 green/black tea bags
My Coffee: 1 cup daily. ½ Teaspoonful + milk.
My Workout: Trek to my office and back to cover a total distance of 3km.
Suggestion (To A.B.U. staff/students who live in ABU quarters, Samaru, Zango): Trek daily to your office or attend lectures. That way, you don’t need to create any extra time for a workout. Alternatively, you can use a bicycle.
My Active Lifestyle
I customized a standing desk in my office. Watch my clip below. I work standing upright throughout my working hours (8 – 14 hr daily), after all, I am now in my late teens. Don’t be surprised! Because according to LUKMAN’S THEOREM OF HEALTHY LIFESTYLE, with every 1 kg of weight lost using a healthy lifestyle, one becomes 1 year younger internally and externally.
If you are in doubt, give my theorem a try. If you are experiencing diabetic complications (e.g. erectile dysfunction, neuropathic pains, low libido, etc.), hypertension, or heart disease, lose weight using a healthy lifestyle and watch how younger you will become with every kilogram of weight lost. In addition, you stand a chance to completely reverse your chronic disease.
Are you in your 50s and want to look and feel like a teenager (internally & externally) or someone in his 20s, lose weight equivalent to the number of years that when subtracted will take you back to your teenage years or someone in his 20s. If you are in doubt, give it a try.
However, don’t go underweight. Calculate your minimum weight below which you will be underweight using the BMI formula [BMI = Mass (kg)/{Height (m) x Height (m)}]. BMI below 18.5 is underweight. For example, if your height is 1.81 m, then, your minimum weight below which you will be underweight is about 61 kg. So far, I lost 22 kg which is equivalent to subtracting 22 years from my age. I intend to lose 24 kg altogether – 2 kg more to reach my target. Many of my relatives who know me very well could not recognize me now. And some of them told me that I look like someone who is under 20 years. Oh yes, I am a teenager, now in my late teens. Would you want to join me?
Lifestyle Enhancement Conference 2019 videos: Watch all these videos to confirm my theorem.
My office is very busy. I usually lock my door so that I can walk a few meters to open my door whenever someone wants to come in. Sometimes I engage myself in some aerobics (moving my legs around as if I want to dance) while standing just to be active. That way, I will not remain in one posture for a long time. You may not have to work standing throughout your working hours. However, learn to stand up and work for some time using good posture or at least get up for 5 min after every 30 min of sitting.
Do you think I have gone extreme for taking at least 3 liters of fluid (tea) daily and using a standing desk throughout my working hours in the office?
Ok, here is my story. In 2016, I underwent a hemorrhoidectomy (surgery to remove internal or external hemorrhoids that are extensive or severe). Towards the end of 2019, I had constipation that led to an anal fissure despite my high-fiber diet.
Taking 3 liters of fluid daily has significantly improved my bowel movement – no more constipation at all. This is my own version of pseudo-water therapy. My suggestion to anyone who wants to take enough fluid daily (2 liters and above) to either fulfill the daily fluid requirement or to avoid kidney stones or constipation and constipation-related chronic illnesses like hemorrhoids, you may need to be taking flavored water rather than normal water and use a graduated volumetric flask to know exactly your daily fluid intake. Initially, I was using a lemon-flavored tea before I changed to spices-flavored tea.
Putting aside my chair and anti-hemorrhoids seat cushion pad will help me do away with fissure or hemorrhoid recurrence. No more constipation & no more sitting for a long time = hemorrhoid-free life.
Trust me when I tell you that hemorrhoidectomy is one the most painful surgeries, if not the most painful surgery there is especially for someone like me who responds poorly to anesthesia and analgesics.
If your story is similar to mine, then, you may have to go this extra mile to avoid going under the surgeon’s blade or living in pain from hemorrhoids.
Take-home message: Be willing to go that extra mile to lead a healthy life come what may.
In 2017, I escorted someone to meet with the executive governor of Kaduna State, Mal. Nasir Ahmad El-Rufai at the Sir Kashim Ibrahim House (Government House) in his office. The Governor asked us to sit down on the chairs in front of his desk while he was standing upright talking to us and at the same time going through some documents on his desk. We were surprised to see him standing while attending to us and so we courteously requested him to sit down also. He replied to us that he was used to working while standing and asked us not to bother at all. Back then, it never crossed my mind that there was any benefit of working while standing, and unfortunately for us he did not preach to us to emulate him or tell us the advantages of working while standing, but now I know better. Probably, working while standing may be one of the reasons behind the Governor’s much-touted strength. I recollected this episode the first day I decided to work in my office while standing. How I wish His Excellency will advise his staff members who work with him in the Government House to follow suit, that way we will welcome more members into the WORKING WHILE STANDING GROUP. Currently, we have only 3 members in the group plus including (Chief Zebrudaya’s grammar style) His Excellency, Sir.
Shin ko kai mai tsananin fushi ne da saurin hasala (short fuse)? Ko kuwa kana da bala’in kishin da yake hana ka sukuni ko kuwa yake kawo maka husuma tsakanin ka iyalin ka? Ko kuwa ana siffanta yanda ka ke maida martani idan an tsokano ka da cewa kana qirqiran dutse ne babba daga tudun tawadar Allah (make a mountain out of mole-hill) wato kana maida martani da abin da ya ninninka tsokanan da akayi ma (disproportionate reaction)? Ko kuwa kana da kishi irin wanda ko namijin quda ba ka so ya sauka a kan matan ka, ko kuma macen da ke sa mijin ta sai ya saka takunkumin fuska (Face Mask) idan zai fita waje saboda kada wasu matan su ganshi? Ire-iren wadannan alamomin da ma wasu da dama zan tattauna a cikin wannan rubutun.
Me Ake Nufi Da Personality Disorders (PDs)?
Kaman yanda na yi bayani a baya cewa Mental Disorder yana nufin tattaruwan wasu alamomi wadanda suke iya jirkitar da yanayin da mutum yake tsinkayan abubuwa da kuma yanda ya ke tunani da mu’amala da mutane. Irin wadannan alamomin suna saka mutum ya shiga cikin matsanancin damuwa (subjective distress) sannan kuma suna janyo matsala ko naqasa (impairment) a game da yanda mutum yake mu’amala da iyalin shi ko ‘yan’uwan shi (wato a gida), da abokan aikin shi ko kuma abokan karantun shi (pervasive). Irin wadannan alamomin za su iya jimawa mutum yana fuskantan su (persistent), ko kuma a wani lokaci sai su zo gadan-gadan kaman saukan ruwan sama (relapse) daga baya kuma sai su yi likimo kaman anyi ruwan an dauke (remission).
Ka tuntubi wannan rubutun nawa domin qarin bayani akan mental Disorders:
Wadannan Mental Disorders din sun kasu gida-gida kaman Mood Disorders (mun yi bayanin wasu daga cikin su a baya – Depression da Bipolar), Anxiety Disorders (kaman su Phobias – tsananin jin tsoron wani abu kaman magye, ko qadangare), Sleep-Wake Disorders, Sexual Dysfunctions, Schizophrenia Spectrum, Paraphilic Disorders (kaman ‘yan daudu, da ‘yan luwadi ko madigo [daga baya turawa sun cire homosexuality da lesbianism daga cikin Mental Disorders saboda makirci], da masu kwanciya da ‘yan yara), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders (OCDs), Personality Disorders, da dai sauran su.
Daga duk wadannan gida-gidan na Mental Disorders dinnan, Personality Disorder (PD) yana cikin wadanda suka fi wuyan sha’ani kuma suke da matuqar wahalarwa – su wahalar da mai dauke da su sannan kuma su wahalar da wanda yake mu’amala da mai dauke da su. Personality Disorders sun karkasu kashi 10 amma ana tsara su a gida 3 wato Cluster A (Paranoid, Schizoid, Schizotypal PDs), Cluster B (Histrionic, Borderline, Narcissistic, Anti-social PDs) da Cluster C (Avoidant, Dependent, Obsessive-Compulsive PDs). Kusan dukkanin su, suna dauke da wasu dabi’u da halayyan da suka saba ma al’ada sannan kuma wadannan kausasan halin dole ya kasance mutum yana tare da su ne tun sanda ya zama dan saurayi wato adolescent kaman dan shekara 13-19 har izuwa sanda zai mallaki hankalin kansa wato Adult wanda yake kamawa daga shekara 18 ko kuma 21. Mu fahimci cewa balaga (Puberty – yana faruwa a shekara 10 – 13) daban yake da zama Adult. Yawancin lokuta, Personality Disorder yana tabbatuwa ne ga dan’Adam daga shekara 21 zuwa 25 kaman yanda Dr. Ramani Durvasula ta fada.
Yaya Ake Gane Borderline Personality Disorder?
A yau za mu tattauna ne akan Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), yana daga cikin Cluster B Personality Disorders, kuma a duk Mental Disorders rankatakaf din su babu wanda aka fi yin nazari akan shi irin BPD kuma yana daya cikin wadanda suka fi rikitarwa. Ga wasu daga cikin alamomin shi.
Tsananin qoqarin gujema rabuwa (fear of abandonment, separation or rejection). Wannan yana daya daga cikin manya-manyan matsalan mai BPD a inda zai dunga hassala idan kaman ace ya kira matan sa amma sai bata sami daman daukan wayan shi ba a lokacin da ya kira.
Tabbatar da alaqa mai tsananin shaquwa a tsakanin shi da sauran mutane ko wanda yake so amma kuma wannan alaqan sai ta kasance mara tabbas saboda zata iya canzawa nan da nan daga shaquwa zuwa mummuna (idealization and devaluation, splitting, black and white thought, zero or hero).
Rashin tabbatuwa a abin da mutum ya saka a gaba ko ya qudurce a ran shi (unstable self-image or identity disturbance). A irin wannan yanayin, mutum sai ya kasance ba shi da tabbatuwa a abin da yake so ya cimma buri a rayuwarsa, sai ya dunga saurin cancanza aikin da ya ke son yi, ko ra’ayin shi akan abubuwan da ya tabbatu akai a baya. Wani zai iya canza abokan shi, ko kuma ma jinsin shi gabadaya ko yin ridda ko kuma ya ce babu Allah gabadaya (Atheist) ko kuma ya samu shakka kan akwai Allah ko kuwa babu shi (Agnostic) bayan a baya ya yi imani da Allah sosai kuma mai bin addini ne.
Yin aikin bazata wadanda za su iya cutar da mutum a aqalla wurare 2: caca, kashe-kashen kudi ta hanyar almubazzaranci, cin abinci da ya wuce qima, shaye-shayen kwaya, tuqin ganganci, ko kuma saduwan da babu aminci ko neman mata (impulsivity).
Yawan yunqurin kashe kan ka, ko nuna alamun haka ko kuma yin barazanan kashe kai ko jin ma kan ka ciwo ta hanyar yanka kan ka ko qona kan ka (recurrent suicidality).
Saurin jin fushi ko damuwa ko qaruwan buqun zuciya saboda wani abu da ya faru a tsakanin shi da sauran mutane. Irin wannan yanayi yana iya jimawa har ‘yan wasu awanni kadan ko kuma kwanaki kadan (affective instability).
Jin qiwuyan yin duk wani abu da zai amfane ka ko zai taimaka maka wajen cin ma burin ka na rayuwa tare da rashin jin sha’awan aikata komai sannan kuma sai ka yi ta neman abin da zakayi (chronic feelings of emptiness). Ga shi kana da abubuwan yi da yawa kuma kana da lokacin yin su amma kuma kash, ba ka jin sha’awan aikata su kwata-kwata sai ka dunga jin matsanancin qiyuwa.
Nuna bala’in fushin da ya wuce qima a bainar jama’a (short fuse & over-reactive) sannan kuma tare da rashin iya sarrafa fushi matuqar aka tsokano ka ko dan ya ya ne kuwa (inappropriate, intense anger or difficulty controlling anger). Mutum zai ta habaici ko barin zance ko fade-fade matuqar ya qudurci cewa ba a kula da shi yanda ya kamata ko kuma ana so a rabu da shi. Amma kuma daga baya sai mutum ya ji kunyar abinda ya aikata tare da nadama. Mutum har doke-doke yana iya yi a wani lokuta saboda tsaban bacin rai. Duk wadannan alamomin suna faruwa a sanda aka tsokano mutum ba wai haka nan kawai ba.
Jin zargin cewa mutane suna nufin ka da sharri ne ko kuma suna yi da kai ne bayan a haqiqa ba haka ba ne tare da jin kaman gangan cikin ka ya fita daga jikin ka wato kaman kana kallon kan ka ne a bidiyo saboda wani abun tada hankali da ya faru ko kuma tunanin cewa za a rabu da kai (paranoid ideation or severe dissociative symptoms). Wannan alamomin suna faruwa ne a cikin daqiqai kadai zuwa ‘yan awanni a wasu lokuta.
Idan Psychiatrist ya duba ka ya ga cewa kana dauke da alamomi aqalla 5 daga cikin 9, to sannan ne zai ce kana dauke da Borderline Personality Disorder. Wadannan alamomi 9 za ku ga cewa suna da kama sosai da alamomin Depression (Major Depression Disorder) wadanda na yi cikakken bayanin su a baya.
A sabili da hakane, mafi yawancin wadanda suke dauke da BPD to za a ga cewa suna dauke da Depression (MDD) kuma. BPD yana yawan haduwa da Dissociative Identity Disorder wato abinda muka fi sani da ciwon aljanu. A wani bincike ya nuna cewa 80 % na mutane masu BPD to suna da MDD. Sannan kuma BPD ya fi shafan mata a inda mata suka dauki kaso 75 % a wani bincike.
Domin samun qarin bayani a game da BPD, ka kalli bidiyon Dr. Ramani Durvasula mai suna, ‘How to Spot the 9 Traits of Borderline Personality Disorder’.
Sannan kuma zai yi matuqar kyau a ce ka hada da bidiyon da take yin bayani a game da karkasuwan BPD zuwa gidaje 4, ‘How to Spot the 4 Types of Borderline Personality Disorder’.
Sannan kuma za mu ga cewa alamomin Bipolar Disorder ma suna da yanayi da na BPD amma kuma ba daya suke ba. Manyan bambance-bambance a tsakanin su sune kaman haka: (1) Saurin fusata da damuwa da mai BPD yake shiga yana faruwa ne bayan an tsokano shi, shi kuma mai Bipolar yana jin wadannan alamomin ne ba tare da an tsokane shi ba. (2) Halin da mutum ke shiga na fusata da damuwa yafi dadewa a wajen wanda yake da Bipolar a inda zai iya kasancewa a cikin wannan mummunan halin na tsawon kwanaki da yawa shi ko mai BPD bai cika wuce awanni ba zuwa ‘yan kwanaki kadan. Amma kuma kusani cewa mutum daya zai yiwu ya kasance yana dauke da BPD tare da Bipolar – tabdijan! Babban goro sai magogin qarfe. Allah Ya qara mana lafiya, amin. Haka zalika, a yawancin lokuta, za ka samu cewa mai dauke da BPD yana samun matsalan yin bacci sosai da daddare. Sai ya kasance a farke har zuwa 2 ko 4 na tsakan dare sannan ne zai iya yin bacci. Daga nan kuma tashin shi sai kusan 12 na rana ko ma 1 PM. A taqaice yawancin masu BPD za ka ga cewa suna dauke da Delayed Sleep-Phase Syndrome (DSPS) wanda yake wani bangare ne na Circadian Rhythm Sleep-Wake Disorder.
Domin samun qarin bayani a game da alaqan BPD da sauran Mental Disorders kaman Bipolar, ka kalli bidiyon Dr. Ramani Durvasula mai take, ‘Borderline Personality Disorder [The Co-Occurring Disorders You Should Know]’.
Saboda yanda mai dauke da BPD yake da saurin canza ra’ayi ko manufa tare da daukaka abu (idealization) da kuma saurin durqusar da shi (devaluation) idan wani abu kadan ya bata mishi rai, za ka cewa dalibi mai dauke da BPD yana canje-canjen abin da yake karantawa wato course a jami’ah ko kuma makarantar da yake gaba da secondary wato Tertiary Institution. A yau sai ya ji cewa babu course din da yake so a duk duniya irin course din da yake yi, sai kuma bayan wani lokaci kawai ya ji kuma cewa son course din ta fice daga ransa wata kila saboda yana tunanin cewa abokan sa dalibai ko malamin sa baya son sa, yanzu kuma ya canza sheqa, ya koma qaunar wata course din dabam. Idan ya sami dama, za ka cewa zai yi ta canje-canje na course din da ya ke karantawa a makaranta. A wannan halin kuma, namiji ne ko mace, za su iya zama sun tsunduma a cikin yin zinace-zinace na dan wani qanqanin lokaci ko kuma su jima a cikin wannan yanayi wasu kuma su tsunduma kallon abubuwan batsa (pornography) tare istim’na’i (masturbation) a matsayin hanya na kauce ma zinace-zinace a sabili da rashin jin sha’awan yin wani aiki ko kuma jin kadaici. Irin wadannan abubuwan suna sa su ji dadi ne na dan wani lokaci. Wasu sukan tsunduma a harkan shaye-shaye wanda daga qarshe sai su kasa kammala karatun na su wanda suka fara a cikin sa’a da jajircewa da hazaqa. Sai ya kasance kodai a kore su ko kuma carryovers sun yi musu yawan da ba za su iya gama karatun ba saboda daina zuwa aji kwata-kwata ko kuma su ji karatun ya fita daga ran su kwata-kwata haka kawai bas ai da shaye-shaye ba. Haka zai iya faruwa da su a zangon qarshe na karatun su a inda za su sha da kyar, ko kuma su sami mafi munin sakamako tun da suka fara karatun saboda rashin sha’awan yin karatun. Da kyar na sha, ya fi da kyar aka kamani. Idan kuma har ya kasance yana yin samartaka da ‘yan mata, to zai kasance mai tsilla-tsilla ne, a yau yana tare da wance a gobe kuma ya canza sheqa ya koma wajen wata daban. Da budurwa ta yi mai wani abu dan kadan, sai ya fusata ya ce ma ya fasa yin soyayyan da ita sai ya qara gaba. Wani ma za a iya sa mai rana amma ya fasa ko kuma ranar daurin auren ya kusa amma kuma ya ce ya fasa. Haka zalika idan ma mace ce mai BPD, duk irin wadannan alamomin za su iya bayyana a tattare da ita.
A wani lokacin kuma, mutum zai dunga jin ciwon jiki ne ko kuma ciwon kai amma kuma duk gwajin asibiti da za a yi mishi sai akasa ganin wata cuta a cikin sakamakon gwajin. Irin wannan Somatic Symptom din yana iya sa dalibi ya kasa tabuka abin kirki a harkan karatun nasa saboda a kullum ba shi da lafiya. Somatic Symptom na daya daga cikin alamomin Depression kaman yanda na yi bayani a baya, haka kuma mai BPD zai iya jin wannan alaman.
Domin qarin bayani, ka karanta wannan maqalan mai suna, ‘Borderline Personality Disorder and College Success’.
Ka kalli firan BBC Hausa wanda sukayi da wani dalibi a cikin shirin su mai suna Mahangar Zamani mai take, ‘Abin da ke jawo tsananin damuwa’. Wasu daga cikin alamonin BPD sun bayyana a tare da wannan dalibin.
(1) Da farko mutum sai ya ji cewa yana matuqar qaunan wannan aikin na shi har ya fahimci cewa maigidan shi na matuqar son shi amma da zaran wani abu ya faru kaman ace maigidan shi ya yi mai fada agame da abin da ya shafi aikin sai ya ji cewa maigidan nan nashi ya tsane shi kuma. Sai kuma gabadaya aikin ya fita daga ranshi, daga qarshe sai ya ajiye wannan aikin ya nemi wani daban. Haka za ka ga mai BPD yana ta canza aikin shi saboda yanda yake da saurin samun gamsuwa da abokan aikin shi ko kuma maigidan shi wanda daga baya kuma da zaran dan wani abu ya shiga tsakanin shi da su, to sai ya ajiye aikin kawai ya qara gaba. Haka kuma zai iya kasancewa mai yawan husuma da sauran ma’aikata ‘yan’uwan shi ko kuma da shugaban shi saboda abu ba abu ba sai ya dauki fushi daga nan kuma sai fada ta kaure.
(2) Daga cikin kashe-kashe na BPD, akwai wanda baya ajiye aikin shi, amma kuma saboda yanda yake da saurin cancanza manufan shi da abin da yake so da wanda ba ya so (likes and dislikes), to sai ka ga cewa ya kasa yin abinda zai sami cigaba a wajen aikin wato Promotion. Sai ya kasance na bayan shi duk sun taso sun wuce shi a matsayi. Wannan zai iya sa mishi damuwa sosai ganin yanda kowa yake cigaba shi kuma yana nan jiya-i-yau amma kuma babban matsalan shine ko da ace ya yunquro yana son yayi abinda zai kawo mai promotion kaman rubutun maqala ko yin bincike ga malaman jami’a (lecturers) sai ya ji gabadaya ba ya sha’awan yin haka, daga qarshe sai ya kasa tabuka komai duk da cewa mai qoqari ne da hazaqa. A irin wannan yanayi kuma, za ka cewa yana yawan canza ra’ayin shi a game da aikin da yasa a gaba. Zai iya zama ya taqarqare ya jajirce akan wani aikin daban wanda bai shafi aikin shi na office ba kwata-kwata, amma kuma ya kasa tabuka komai a game da aikin shi na office sai dan da kyar. A wani lokacin ma, sai mutane su yi zaton cewa an yi mai sammu ne a wajen aikin shi yasa ya kasa cigaba.
Domin qarin bayani, ka karanta wannan maqalan mai suna, Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and Employment’.
A gaskiya wannan kadai ya kamata ya zama maqale ne mai zaman kan shi saboda muhimmancin shi amma zan yi qoqarin taqaitawa iya iyawa na. Da farko akwai tsananin gajin haquri. Idan maigida mai dauke da BPD ya kira uwargida ta waya sai ya kasance bata samu daman daukan wayan ba a lokacin da ya kira saboda wani uziri (kila tana wajen aiki, ko bata ga kiran shi din ba ma, ko ta na da wani uzirin na daban), ko kuma ya tura mata da saqon karta kwana wato SMS ko kuma ta WhatsApp sai ta yi jinkirin bashi amsa saboda wani uziri karbabbiya, to daga nan sai maigidan kawai ya dauki zafi ya fusata ya yi tsammanin cewa bata girmama shi ne ko kuma tana so ne ta wulaqanta shi shi yasa ta qi daukan wayan na sa ko kuma ta qi amsa mai saqon shi nan da nan. Daga nan saboda tsananin fushi, wani maigidan sai kawai yace ya saki matan shi. Dama kuma, masu BPD suna da saurin yin saki akan abin da bai taka kara ya karya ba saboda a wurin su matsala qarama za tayi ta ruruwa (rumination) tana qara girma a ransu har sai ta fi dutsen Uhudu girma, sannan sai su maida martani da kwatankwacin yanda abin ya girmama a cikin ransu (disproportionate reaction). To a ina za mu saka masu auri saki? Ba ma wannan ba kadai, idan maigida ya aiki uwargida ko ya sa ta yi mai wani abu sai ta tsaya yin wani abun koda kuwa yana da muhimmanci, yanzunnan sai maigida ya hassalo ya harzuqo ya nemi yin ma uwargida kaca-kaca saboda shi a na shi fassaran, uwargida ta raina shi ne ko kuma bata son bin umurnin shi saboda shi bai isa ba (judgmental and devaluation). Haka nan idan aka saka lokacin yin wani abu, kaman zuwa dauko uwargida daga anguwa ko kuma lokacin fita zuwa wani anguwa, duk yanda aka dan yi latti, to fa akwai matsala domin ta inda zai shiga ba ta nan zai fita ba wato zai ta yin luguden masifa ko kuma fushi mai tsanani. Zai kuma iya sa maigida yawan ficewa daga groups na Social Media kaman WhatsApp da zaran ya fassara cewa ana kyale shi ko kuma ana yin posts din da suke bata mishi rai. A wani lokacin kuma sai ya ji cewa ba ya jin amsa kiran waya, ko amsa saqon SMS ko WhatApp ko email ko kuma ya kashe wayan gabadaya har na wani lokaci ba dan wulaqanci ba ko wani abu sai dai kawai baya jin amsawa ne amma mutane sai su yi mai fassara da wulaqanci ne yasa haka.
Kaman yanda sabon bincike ya nuna cewa mai BPD zai yiwu yana da qarin yawan sinadarin qarfin mazakuntan namiji wato Testosterone. Saboda haka, wannan sinadarin zai qara ma maigida sha’awa sosai har ya fi na galibin sauran maza idan har yana da yawan Testosterone. Saboda haka uwargida sai ta miqe da gaske wajen biyan buqatan maigida a gado idan ba haka ba kuma to fa akwai matsala domin kuwa maigida zai iya tafiya Qaraye wato ya yi ma uwargida kishiya domin biyan buqatan shi. Wani maigidan ma saboda tsaban jin sha’awa, da zai iya tsayar da al’adan matan shi ya kasance ta daina yin al’ada kwata-kwata to da ya aikata hakan.
Amma fa bayan duk wadannan matsalolin na maigida mai dauke da BPD, za ku ga cewa mai dauke da BPD yana da tsananin nuna soyayya, da tausayi tare kula da uwargida yanda ya kamata. Kawai dai uwargida dole ta dinga tafiya ne kaman tana kan kwai domin kar ya fashe. Idan kuwa har maigida ya fusata, to idan a da yana kiran uwargida da sunaye masu dadi kaman My Life, My Sweetie, My Honey, to fa zai canza ya koma kiran ta da My Problem, My Trouble, ko kuma yace maman wane ko wance kawai ko kuma ma ya kira ta da gundarin sunan ta ko kuma ya hana lamban ta daga shigowa wayan shi (blocking). Mai BPD yana da matuqar taimako. Zai iya tsayar da duk wani harkoki na shi domin ya ga cewa ya taimaka ma wanda ya ke da buqata tun ma ba idan akan abinda yake da matuqar ra’ayi a kai ba ne. Zai iya tsayawa kai da fata wajen ganin ya warware ma mutum matsalan da ke damun shi wanda kuma a sanadiyyar haka, sai ya iya samun kan shi a halin damuwa saboda a wani lokacin kuma, a wajen bada taimakon sai a bata mishi rai sai kuma ya shiga halin fushi. Miji mai BPD baya son qorafi ko naci akan qanqanan abubuwa saboda yanzunnan zai iya harzuqa, kuma harzuqan shi ba abin so bane saboda Allah kadai Ya san inda zai tsaya idan har ya hau sama. A taqaice dai duk macen da za ta zauna da mai BPD to fa sai ta kai zuciya nesa, sannan ta kiyaye shi da kyau idan ba haka ba kuwa to wallahi komai na iya faruwa saboda fushin mai BPD ba shi da linzami. Daya daga babban matsalan BPD shine wanda yake dauke da shi yana ganin cewa shi lafiyan shi qalau, a koda yaushe sai ya dunga dora laifin ga sauran mutane amma da wuya zai ga laifin shi (projection and lack of insight). A dalilin haka ne sai matsalolin su yi ta taruwa suna habbakuwa har sai sanda Allah zai kawo dauki a gane abin da yake damun shi. Idan ba haka kuwa, to akwai kwamacala. BPD na daya daga cikin Mental Disorders wadanda ake iya samun nasaran shawo kansu sosai idan aka je asibiti. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) shine hanyar magance BPD.
Yanda BPD Yake Shafan Rayuwan Uwargida
Tabdijan! A ce uwargida ne ke dauke da BPD, ai matsala ta samu babba. Saboda mafi yawancin yanda maigida mai BPD ya ke yi to fa haka ita ma uwargida za ta kasance. Kaman yanda muka sani cewa a musulunce, maigida ne jagoran gida wato shine shugaban gida. Ya za ka ji a matsayin ka na maigida idan uwargida ta bude maka wuta domin ta kira ka ba ka dauka ba saboda wani uziri ko kuma ta turo maka da saqo baka bata amsa ba nan take? Wannan babban matsala ne a gaskiya a zamantakewan aure, saboda maigida shi zai ga cewa uwargida ta raina shi ne kawai shi yasa take saurin daukan fushi ko bude mai wuta akan abin da bai taka kara ya karya ba wanda hakan na iya kawo husuma mai tsanani a tsakanin maigida da uwargida. A wasu lokutan, duk yanda uwargida ta so ta danne bala’in fushin da ke cinta a zuciya sai ta kasa. Sai ta saki bala’in buhu-buhu sannan sannan za ta iya komawa ta numfasa. A irin wannan halin, dole maigida shi kuma ya yi ta haquri da halayyar uwargida saboda a irin wannan yanayin za ka ga cewa kusan babu abin da zai yi ne wanda zai sa uwargida ta daina bude mai wuta sai dai idan bata ji cewa ana kyale ta ba ko kuma ba a kula da ita ko kuma ma duk wani abun da zata riya ta sauwara shi a cikin kwakwalwanta. Su ma mata masu BPD an gano cewa suna iya kasancewa dauke da sinadarin Testosterone mai yawan da ya dora akan yanda aka saba, wannan ke nuni da cewa suma za su iya zama masu sha’awan da yafi na daidaikun sauran mata. Wani binciken ma ya alaqanta PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Sydrome) da BPD a inda ake ganin cewa duk macen da aka gano cewa tana da PCOS, to ya kamata a duba ta a gani ko ta na dauke da BPD kuma. Shi dai PCOS gamayyan wasu alamomi ne wadanda suke shafan mata har su kai ga hana su haihuwa tare da tsawaita musu yanda al’adan ke zuwa wato a madadin wata daya sai su kai har kwanaki 35 koma fiye da haka.
Domin qarin bayani, ka kalli bidiyon Dr. Daniel Fox (Professor ne na Clinical Psychology a America), wanda ya ke daya daga cikin manyan masana a duniya a abinda ya shafi BPD. ‘Do You Have PCOS? Here’s What You Need to Know About PCOS & BPD’
Kamar yanda maigida mai dauke da BPD yake da saurin yin saki ko kuma tunanin yin saki ko kuma yunqurin yin saki, to haka ma uwargida mai BPD take. Za ka ga cewa tana da saurin yin yaji ko kuma ta ce ma maigida ya sake ta ko kuma barazanan barin gidan kwata-kwata da zaran wani abu dan kadan ya shiga a tsakanin ta da maigida. A irin haka, za ta iya kasancewa mai aure-aure saboda saurin daukan fushi da yanke hukunci.
Shin zai yiwu maigida da uwargida ya kasance dukkan su suna dauke da BPD? Irin wannan hadin yana iya faruwa, amma dai ba sai na fadi cewa za a yi ta dauki ba dadi ne a kullum, za a yi ta jin kan su sannan kuma za a yi ta saki ana yin kome idan an huce.
Ka kalli wannan bidiyon wanda na yi shi akan wannan irin hadin gambizan domin ka qaru, ‘ DLP Episode 5: Understanding personality psychology for better interpersonal relationships’.
Shin wanda yake da ciwon tsananin fushi irin na BPD za a zartar da sakin shi kuwa idan akayi la’akari da cewa da shi da wanda hankalin shi ya gushe bambancin su kadan ne? Amsa wannan tambaya, sai manyan malamai wadanda suke da fahimta sosai akan Mental Disorders.
Menene Obsessive Love Disorder (OLD)
Wannan wani yanayi ne da mutum kaman a ce namiji zai ji soyayyan wani daban kaman a ce mace amma kuma sai ya kasance ita kadai ce ya ke matuqar qauna a zuciyan shi har ma son ya kai ga cewa yana jujjuyata kaman abin da ya mallaka. Ga manyan alamomin shi.
Matsanancin qaunar mutum daya.
Matuqar begen mutumin a koda yaushe.
Ganin dacewan kare wanda ka ke so da tsare shi.
Jin bala’in kishi akan shi.
Jin cewa kai ba komi ba ne (low self-esteem).
Tura saqonni kala-kala ta SMS, emails ko yawan kiran wanda suke so.
Son a rarrashi mutum a koda yaushe.
Wuyan yin abokai ko sada zumunci da sauran ‘yan’uwa saboda tsabagen maida hankali a wajen mutum daya.
Bibiya da sa ido akan duk abubuwan da mutumin ya ke yi.
Yunqurin juya mutum akan inda zai je da kuma abubuwan da zai iya yi.
Obsessive Love Disoder (OLD) ba yana tsaye ne da qafafun shi ba, yana bibiyan wasu Mental Disorders ne kaman BPD, OCD, Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder (DSED), Obsessional Jealousy, da dai sauran su. Idan muka kalli alamomin BPD da na OLD za mu ga cewa, lallai mai BPD zai yi saurin daukan alamomin OLD saboda dama shi yana tsoron rabuwa kuma yana son yin kane-kane a al’amura. Masu dauke da OLD za ka ga suna yawan yin leken asiri a wayan mijin ta. Sai ta karanto ma kanta abin da zai iya hana ta sukuni har muddin ranta, ko kuma idan miji ya gano, ayi ta tashin hankali. Idan akayi rashin sa’a cewa shi ma mijin yana dauke da BPD, to zai iya sakin ta saboda leken asirin wayan shi kadai, kunga anan kenan, allura ta tono garma. A wani lokutan kuma sai matan ta zama tana shisshige mishi duk inda zai je sai da ita (office ko wajen ziyaran abokan shi ko ‘yan’uwan shi), yana daga qafa zata mayar a sawun sa. Idan kuma tana da kishiya, to fa bala’in kishin kuma zai kasance irin wanda baka taba gani bane. Sannan kuma ga shi za ta dunga yunqurin juya shi yanda take so idan ta sami dama. Mace mai OLD tare da BPD za ta iya cewa za ta kashe mijin ta ko kishiyan ta ko kuma ta yi yunqurin kashen sun ko kuma taci nasaran aika su barzagu. Kun ga aiki ya lalace kenan. Saboda da haka, idan matan ka tana da alamomin OLD tare da BPD, to wallahi sai ka kula da kyau, idan ba haka ba kuwa za ka iya wayin gari a lahira. Za mu iya juye yawancin bayanan ga maigida shima idan shi ne yake dauke da OLD. Mene ku ke tsammani idan aka ce maigida tare da matan sa duka biyun a ce kowannen su na dauke da BPD tare da OLD? Na bar muku wannan a matsayin wasa kwakwalwa. Kuma irin wannan hadin mai yiwuwa ne.
Domin qarin bayani a game da OLD, ka saurari wannan bidiyon mai suna, ‘What Is Obsessive Love Disorder?’.
Shin ko kai kana tsintan kan ka a cikin tsananin bakin ciki da damuwa da rashin kuzari mai tsawo daga baya kuma kwatsam sai ka ji tsabagen annashuwa da farin ciki mai yawa tare da jiye-jiye ko gane-gane ko daukan saurin fushi na wani lokaci? Wadannan da ma wasu alamonin da yawa zan tattauna su a wannan rubutun. Wasu suna rubuto min cewa suna tattare da da yawa daga cikin alamomin Mental Disorders din da nake bayyanawa sannan kuma ba sa son wadannan dabi’un ko halayyan na su amma kuma sun kasa yanda za su yi su daina, to ina mafita? Ku biyo ni domin samun gamsashshiyar amsa. Mental Disorders din da zan tattauna a yau suna cikin Mental Disorders din da suke cin mana tuwo a kwarya, sun addabi wasu daga cikin sashen mutanen mu amma kuma abin baqin ciki shine mutane ba su da isashshen ilimi akan su (lack of insight) ballantana su nemi irin taimakon da ya dace daga wajen Psychiatrists.
Mene Ake Nufi Da Depression?
Ba kaman yanda mutane suke fassara wannan kalman da cewa ciwon baqin ciki ba, fassaran wannan kalman ya fadada fiye da haka. Sau da yawa zaka ji mutum ya ce Depression ya kama ni da zaran wani abun baqin ciki ya same shi na dan wani lokaci ko kuma ya tashi ba ya jin annashuwa da kuzari. Da farko dai, Depression na daya daga cikin manyan Mental Disorders wanda zai iya tsayuwa da kafan shi shi kadai, ko kuma ya shiga cikin wasu Mental Disorders din. Yana daya daga cikin qungiyan Mental Disorders da ake kira Mood Disorders wadanda suke shafan yanda mutum yake jin fushi, ko karsashi, ko iya aikata ayyukan da ya saba yi na yau da kullum. Daya daga cikin babban illan shi idan ba a magance shi ba shine zai iya sa mutum ya ji ya gaji da rayuwar duniya gabadaya har ma ya iya neman daukan ran sa da kansa (suicide) ko kuma ya yi ta tunanin cewa ina ma dai da ace babu ransa ko kuma a wayi gari kawai ya mutu (suicidal ideation).
Depression ya kasu gida-gida, zan maida hankali akan Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) wanda aka fi sani da Clinical Depression.
Bari mu fara zayyana alamomin MDD guda 9 daga baya sai mu yi sharhin su.
Jin bakin ciki tare da yanke qauna ko kuma jin kawai kana son yin kuka a kusan kullum (depressed mood & hopelessness).
Raguwan sha’awan abubuwan da da ka ke son yi wadanda suka shafi dukkanin harkokin ka a kusan kullum (anhedonia).
Rashin cin abinci kaman yanda ka saba ko kuma cin abincin fiye da yanda ka saba ko kuma rage qiba ba tare da kana dieting ba ko qara qiba (change in appetite & body weight).
Canji a yanda ka ke samun yin bacci a inda ka ke kasa yin bacci sosai yanda ka saba ko kuma kake yin baccin da ya wuce ƙima kusan a kullum (hypersomnia or insomnia).
Jin kazar-kazar ko kuma ka ji ba ka son tabuka komai da jikin ka kaman kasala (psychomotor agitation or retardation).
Rashin jin karsashi ko jin tsananin gajiya koda kuwa ba ka yi aikin da ya cancanci jin irin wannan gajiyan ba kusan a kullum (fatigue or loss of energy).
Jin cewa ba ka da amfani ko kuma yawan zargin kan ka da kan ka (worthlessness or guilt).
Kasa hada hankalin ka ko tunanin ka waje guda ko kasa yanke hukunci kusan a kullum (lack of concentration & indecisiveness).
Yawan yin tunanin mutuwa, ko tunanin da ma ace ka mutu, ko kuma yunqurin kashe kanka (suicidal ideation or suicide attempt).
Sai aqalla 5 daga cikin wadannan alamomi 9 sun tabbata kuma sun wanzu har sati 2 cikakke koma fiye da haka sannan kuma dole daya daga cikin alamomin ya kasance #1 ko #2. Akwai wanda zai iya kasancewa a cikin wadannan yanayi har shekara 1 a yara kenan ko kuma shekaru 2 a manya, a irin wannan yanayi, cutan ta tashi daga MDD ta zama Dysthymia.
Shin wanda MDD ya kama shi zai iya fahimtar haka wato zai samu insight har ma ya nemi agaji wajen Psychiatrist ko kuwa sai dai wani na kusa da shi wanda yake lura da sauyin yanayin sa kaman matan shi ko dan’uwan shi ko abokin shi ne zai iya gane halin da ya shiga? Saboda yanda MDD yake durqusar da rayuwan mutum, za ka cewa mutum shi da kanshi zai iya gane cewa fa duniyan shi na tafiya a bai-bai ko kuma sama ya koma qasa amma ba dole ne ya fahimci cewan MDD ne ya kama shi. Sai ya kasa gane kanshi gabadaya. ‘Yan abubuwan da da yake jin dadin yin su kaman na bangaren wasanni ko motsa jiki, ko hulda da mutane, ko karatu, ko aiki, ko fira da wasa da iyali, duk sai yaji sun fita a ransa. Sai yaga babu abinda yake so sai dai ya kwanta shi kadai kaman mutum-mutumi ba uhm ba uhm-uhm, da kyar ma wani lokacin zai iya tashi ya ci abinci ko yayi salla. Tsaftan jikin sa ma da na inda yake zaune sai ya gagare shi, sai kaga mutum ya koma zama cikin dauda a wani lokacin. Kila a da ya saba fita yin salla a masallaci sau 5 a rana, sai kawai ya ji baya son fita zuwa masallacin kuma tare da jin tsananin kasala ko kuma ciwon kai ko ciwon jiki wanda koda ace zai je asibiti domin a yi mai gwajin jinin shi wato test domin a gano ko akwai wata cuta ne a jikin shi, to babu abun da za a gani bayan shi kuma yasan cewa yana jin ciwo a jikin shi. Wani zai iya qauracema zuwa aiki ko makaranta kwata-kwata ko kuma ya dunga zabga lattin zuwa tare da rashin ba aikin ko karatun mahimmanci. Idan dalibi ne zai iya qin yin duk wani homework, ko test wani lokaci ma har examinations din zai iya guje musu, kunga dole ya sami carryover kenan. Idan kuma a wajen aiki ne zai iya qin yin aikin da aka bashi kwata-kwata ko kuma ya dunga kasancewa shi ne na kashin baya a wajen yin aikin da aka ba kowa sai ya yi wato missing deadlines. Daga qarshe, sai mutum ya ji ma cewa gabadaya duniyan ta ishe shi, ina ma dai ace bashi a duniyan, ina ma dai ace a wayi gari kawai sai aji cewa ya rasu, ina ma dai ace ya hallaka kanshi da kanshi domin ya yaye ma kanshi baqin cikin da ke damun shi. Idan ba a yi sa’a ba, sai kawai a wayi gari a ji cewa ai wane ya kashe kanshi ta hanyar rataye kanshi ko kuma shan guba ko kuma ta wani hanyar dabam, Allah Ya tsare. Tabbas wadannan alamomi ne a fili da mutanen da ke kusa da shi wanda MDD ya kama za su iya lura da wadannan sauye-sauyen a cikin rayuwan shi na yau da kullum kaman matan shi, abokin shi, iyayen shi, malamin shi da kuma shugaban shi a wajen aiki. A irin haka ne, sai wani lokaci mutane su yi zaton cewa wai anyi mai sihiri ne shi yasa duk wadannan sababbin dabi’un suka bayyana a gareshi. Ya zama wajibi ga duk wanda ya lura cewa dan’uwan sa ya sami kan sa a cikin wannan yanayin da ya agaje shi yayi saurin kai shi asibiti wajen Psychiatrist domin a duba lafiyan shi yanda ya kamata kafin abubuwan su tabarbare har ya kai ga cewa an kore a wajen aikin shi ko kuma a kore shi a makarantan gabadaya saboda yin fashi ko kuma rashin yin jarabawa a inda ya tara carryovers rututu. Kaman yanda na fada a baya cewa Depression yana shiga cikin wasu Mental Disorders da yawa, zan yi cikakken bayani akan kowani daya daga cikin su. Wani lokaci samun Depression yana nuni alaman cewa mutum yana dauke da wani Mental Disorder na daban kuma da ma yawancin Mental Disorders suna faruwa ne fiye da daya a mutum guda wato Comorbidity. Za ka iya samun mutum daya yana da Mental Disorders guda 2, 3, 5, 8, ko ma fiye da haka. Ya zama tilas ga duk dan’Adam ya fahimci alamomin Depression da kyau saboda ya iya kare kansa ko kuma wani nasa daga fadawa halaka.
Abubuwa da dama suke kawo Depression (in general, including MDD) kaman rashin daidaituwan wasu sinadarai (neurotransmitters) wanda suke rarraba saqo a cikin kwakwalwan mutum, ko kuma canje-canje na yawan sinadarin hormones (estrogen da progesterone) a jikin mace wanda zai iya yin sanadin samun PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder), ko kuma gado, ko rashin isashshen Vitamin D wanda yake sa qarfin qashi, ko shan kwaya, ko wasu cutan jiki (medical illnesses) kaman ciwon zuciya ko cancer. Ana iya samun sauqi sosai daga Depression saboda akwai magunguna da yawa za a iya ba mutum domin ya sami sauqin halin da ya shiga amma dole sai an sha maganin na wani tsawon lokaci sannan za a sami sauqin da ya kamata.
Depression yana iya samun yara haka ma manya amma ya fi samun mata akan maza sau 2. Saboda yanda yake shafan harkokin mutum, Depression na iya zafafa wadannan Medical Conditions din: arthritis, asthma, cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity.
Ku saurari Dr. Ramani Durvasula (Professor na Clinical Psychology) a inda ta ƙara sharhi a kan waɗannan alamomin na MDD mai suna, ‘How to Spot Severe Depression vs Feeling Depressed’.
Ka karanta wannan maqalan domin samun qarin bayani, ‘Everything You Need to Know About Depression (Major Depressive Disorder)’.
Shi ma Bipolar Disorder (BD) yana daya daga cikin Mood Disorders, wato gidan su daya da Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) ko kuma abin da muka fi kira da Depression. Ba kasancewa ma gidan su daya ba kawai, ‘yan daki daya ne saboda shi Bipolar a mafi yawancin lokuta za ka ga cewa yana qunshe da MDD a cikin alamomin shi tare da Mania ko kuma Hypomania, zan yi bayanin wadannan kalmomin a qasa tare da alamomin su. A mafi yawancin lokuta, Bipolar na sa mutum ne ya dunga tsilla-tsilla a tsakanin Mania (tsananin jin garau tare da kazar-kazar da jin kai da ma jiye-jiye ko gane-gane) da Major Depression Episode (MDD) wanda na yi cikakken bayanin shi a sama. Hypomania, qanin Mania ne domin shi alamomin shi ba sa zafafa kaman na Mania sannan kuma babu jiye-jiye ko gane-gane (Psychosis).
Alamomin Mania wato Manic Episode sun qunshi:
Ji-ji da kai da qafafa da sawa a ranka cewa kai wani ne (grandiosity). A wannan halin, mutum zai iya jiye-jiye ko gane-gane (psychosis) har ma a wani lokaci yace Allah Ya yi magana da shi kuma Ya ce mai yayi abubuwa kaza da kaza domin ya ceci al’umma (grandiose delusion). A wani lokaci, mutum zai iya jin cewa shi na musamman ne kaman wani superhero ko yace shi ne mahadin da zai zo qarshen zamani ko yace shi annabi ne. Ko ya nemi matsayin da yafi qarfin shi kaman yace zai tsaya takaran shugaban qasa bayan cewa matsayin shi a cikin mutane ba zai taba samun irin wannan martaban ba kaman yanda Kanye West wani shaharren mawaqi baqin fata ya yi a America saboda yana dauke da Bipolar Disorder. Shin kuna ganin cewa wannan misalin za iya hadaw da ‘yan takaran shugaban qasa wadanda ko quri’a daya ba sa samu a zaben fidda gwani wato Primary Election na Party din su?
Rashin buqatan yin bacci tare da jin garau kuma koda kuwa mutum baccin awa 3 kadai ya samu a rana. A wani lokaci ma mutum zai iya yin sati 1 cur ba tare da ya runtsa ba kwata-kwata kuma ya ji shi garau babu wani matsala (decreased need for sleep). Yawancin lokuta wannan alaman ne yake nuna cewa an fara shiga Mania daga baya sai sauran alamun su biyo shi.
Tadi ko jin yin magana kaman an kunna rediyo (talkative)
Kasa tsayar da tunani a waje daya sai mutum ya yi ta jin tunani kala-kala nau’i-nau’i suna ta karakaina a cikin kwakwalwan shi (flight of ideas).
Saurin dauke hankali da saurin shagala da abu mara amfani (distractibility).
Jin qarfi fiye da qima, saurin fusata (irritable mood) ko qara yin ayyukan da suke sa a cimma wani manufa a cikin mutane, ko makaranta, ko wajen aiki (increase in goal-directed activity). A cikin wannan yanayi, za ka ga mutum ya duqufa ka’in da na’in wajen aiwatar da ayyukan da za su sa ya cimma wani buri kaman yawan rubuce-rubuce masu matuqar amfani, ko duqufa a kan wani karatu ko bada himma sosai a wajen aiki.
Qaruwan ayyukan da za su iya cutar da mutum kaman kashe-kashen kudi ba tunani, saduwa, kasuwancin bogi (impulsivity). Mutum zai iya qin zuwa wajen aiki kaman na sati 1 ko 2 sai ya je ya kama daki a hotel mai shegen tsada (presidential suite) har sai ya kashe duk ‘yan kudin da ya tara a banza a wofi sannan ya dawo babu ko taro. Zai kuma iya yin kyautar duk abin da ya mallaka shi kuma ya koma abin tausayi. A wani lokaci kuma mutum zai shiga cinikayyar bogi a inda za a damfare shi duka kudaden shi. Mace za ta iya shiga karuwanci.
Alamomin Hypomania sun qunshi duka alamomin Mania guda 7 na sama sai dai banda jiye-jiye ko gane-gane wato Psychosis sannan sauran alamomin ba su da qarfin da suke da shi irin na Mania. Sannan kuma alamomin Mania suna wanzuwa ne a kullum har zuwa aqalla kwanaki 7 ko sama da haka su kuwa na Hypomania suna wanzuwa ne aqalla kwanaki 4 ko sama da haka. Wato a taqaice dai Hypomania qanin Mania ne. Sannan duk wadannan alamomin sai ya kasance cewa ba wani ciwon jiki bane wato Medical Condition ko wani magani ko kwaya ya kawo su.
Bipolar I Da Bipolar II
Bipolar Disorder ya kasu zuwa gida biyu ne Bipolar I da Bipolar II. Bipolar I shine wanda ya qunshi faruwan Mania (aqalla alamomi 3 daga ciki) sannan kuma suka wanzu har aqalla kwanaki 7 zuwa sama da haka ko da kuwa sau 1 hakan ya faru a rayuwan mutum. A wani lokaci mai Bipolar I zai iya samun Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) ko Hypomania amma ba dole bane.
Shi kuma Bipolar II ya qunshi Hypomania tare da Major Depressive Episode (MDD). Dole mai dauke da Bipolar II ya kasance ya taba samun MDD a rayuwarsa kafin a ce yana dauke da Bipolar II. Sannan a duk sanda ya sami Mania, to ya tashi daga Bipolar II ya koma Bipolar I ko da sau 1 a rayuwarsa.
A taqaice dai kusan MDD ya shiga cikin Bipolar I & II amma ba dole ne a same shi a wajen mai Bipolar I ba amma dole ya kasance a wanda yake da Bipolar II. Mai Bipolar yana canzawa ne a tsakanin Mania ko Hypomania izuwa Depression, haka abin zai ta jujjuyawa lokaci bayan lokaci. Amma Bipolar II ya fi samun Depression yana maimaituwa mashi ko kuma ya kasance ya jima sosai. A wani lokacin kuma, Mania ko Hypomania na iya haduwa da Depression.
Akwai magungunan da ake ba masu Bipolar Disorder domin su sassaita musu matsalolin da suke samu a lokacin Depression ko Mania ko Hypomania. Sai a tuntube Psychiatrist idan ana zaton cewa mutum na dauke da Bipolar. A wani lokacin, Depression din ne zai fara addaban mutum sosai kafin ya samu Mania. Da zaran kuwa ya samu Mania ko Hypomania, to sai ciwon na shi ya tashi daga MDD zuwa Bipolar I ko Bipolar II. Ba a cewa mutum na dauke da MDD tare da Bipolar sai dai ace MDD kawai idan babu Mania ko Hypomania ko kuma a ce Bipolar kawai da zaran an gano cewa ya taba samun Mania ko Hypomania. Sannan kuma a wani lokaci akan iya samun rudani a tsakanin alamomin ADHD (Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) da na Bipolar saboda alamomin Mania na iya kama da na ADHD. Idan aka je wajen Psychiatrist, shi zai iya tantancewa a tsakanin su duk da yake cewa mutum daya zai iya kasancewa yana dauke da Bipolar Disorder tare da ADHD. Daga qarshe, bincike ya nuna cewa ana iya gadon Bipolar Disorder sosai.
Domin samun qarin bayani, ka kalli wannan bidiyon wanda wani kwararren Psychiatrist mai suna Dr. Domenick Sportelli ya yi mai taken, ‘What Is Bipolar Disorder?’.
Sanannen abu ne cewa halittan ‘ya mace ya bambanta da na ɗa namiji a inda za mu ga cewa su mata suna yin al’ada (menses) a kusan duk wata daya sannan kuma suna da kafa ta inda da yake bi ya fito. A sakamakon haka, suna da wasu Mental Disorders da suka kebanta da su kaɗai waɗanda su ke da alaƙa da al’adan su wato Pre-menstrual Disphoric Disorder (PMDD) da kuma yanayin gaban su wato Genito-Pelvic Penetration Pain Disorder (GPPPD). Duk da yake waɗannan Disorders guda 2 sun shafi mata ne kaɗai, amma fa akwai tsananin buƙatan maza ma su fahimce su da kyau saboda su san yanda za su yi zaman lafiya tare da fahimtar juna da matan su idan suna dauke da waɗannan Disorders ɗin. Su kuma mata dama wajibi ne a gare su su san waɗannan Disorders din saboda sune ya shafa, wasu daga cikin su sun san su wasu kuma ba su san su ba.
Menene Pre-menstrual Disphoric Disorder (PMDD)
Bari mu fara zayyana alamomin PMDD guda 11 daga baya sai mu yi sharhi.
Saurin canzawan yanayin mace daga jin garau sai kawai ta ji bacin rai, ko kuma ta ji kawai tana so tayi kuka (marked affective lability).
Saurin yin fushi tare da hauhawan janyo husuma tsakanin ta da sauran mutane (marked irritability, anger, increased interpersonal conflicts). Hattara ga maigida: Dole sai ka ƙara haƙuri sosai da uwargida tare da kau da kai akan ire-iren abubuwan takala da za ta yi maka idan ta shiga wannan halin idan ba haka ba kuwa, to za kai ta yin dauki ba dadi da uwargida.
Jin rashin karsashi tare da cire rai (marked depressed mood & hopelessness).
Tsananin jin damuwa da ƙunci da taraddadi (marked anxiety and tension).
Raguwan sha’awan abubuwan da da take son yi wadanda suka shafi harkan wajen aiki, makaranta, ƙawaye, da dai sauran su (anhedonia).
Wahala a wajen tsayar da hankalinta da tunanin ta a waje ɗaya (subjective difficulty in concentration).
Rashin jin karsashi tare da tsanin gajiya koda kuwa bata yi aikin da ya cancanci jin irin wannan gajiyan ba (lethargy & fatigue).
Rashin cin abinci kaman yanda ta saba ko kuma cin abincin fiye da yanda ta saba ko kuma jin sha’awan cin wani abincin na musamman (marked change in appetite).
Canji a yanda take samun yin bacci a inda take kasa yin bacci sosai yanda ta saba ko kuma take yin baccin da ya wuce ƙima (hypersomnia or insomnia).
Jin kaman abubuwa sun yi mata katutu ko rashin sarrafuwa (overwhelmed or out of control).
Alamomin da ya shafi jiki (physical symptoms): Kumburin nono, jin kaman jikin ta ya kumbura ko kuma jin kaman ta ƙara ƙiba, sannan kuma jin tsananin ciwon jiki ko ciwon kai.
Domin samun cikakken ƙarin bayani a game da PMDD, ka nemi, ‘Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition, DSM-5 (American Psychiatric Association)’ wanda za ka iya sauke shi daga wannan adireshin:
Sai mace tana da aƙalla 5 daga cikin waɗannan alamomin 11 – aƙalla 1 ko fiye da haka daga cikin 1 – 4 hakanan 5 – 11 – sannan za a ce tana dauke da PMDD amma fa Psychiatrists ne suke iya ayyana cewa ko mace tana dauke PMDD ko a’a. Sannan kuma alamomin sai sun kasance sun bayyana a duk satin ƙarshe wanda mace take da tsarki kaman kwanaki 5 kafin ta fara al’ada sai kuma tsananin su ya ragu da zaran ta fara al’ada ko zuwa kwanaki 2 bayan ta fara al’adan ko kuma su bace kwata-kwata ko su ragu sosai a cikin satin farko bayan al’adan. Yawancin lokuta PMDD yana ɗaukan kwanaki 4 – 7 kafin ya tafi.
Bambanci Tsakanin PMDD Da Depression (Major Depressive Episode)
Alamomin nan guda 11 kusan dai su ne alamomin ciwon Depression ko kuma abin da ake kira da Major Depressive Episode (MDD) wanda zan yi cikakken bayani a game da shi a cikin rubutun da zan yi mai zuwa. Ɗaya daga cikin bambancin PMDD da MDD shine, MDD dole sai ya yi aƙalla sati 2 cif kafin akira alamomin cutan Depression MDD wani lokaci ma ya na iya kaiwa har wata 6 shi kuwa PMDD sati 1 yafi kaiwa sannan sai ya bace kwata-kwata bayan mace tayi tsarki. Sannan kuma hanyoyin da ake bi wajen magance su ma ya bambanta. Zai yiwu mace ta kasance tana dauke da PMDD da MDD duka a tare wato Comorbidity amma Psychiatrist ne kaɗai zai iya tantance hakan.
Ku saurari Dr. Ramani Durvasula (Professor na Clinical Psychology) a inda ta ƙara sharhi a kan waɗannan alamomin na PMDD mai suna, ‘The 11 Traits of PMDD [vs Depression]’.
Bambanci Tsakanin PMDD Da Pre-menstrual Syndrome (PMS)
Yawancin mata sun fi sanin Pre-menstrual Syndrome (PMS) akan PMDD. Shi ma PMS, kaman PMDD wani yanayi ne da mata ke shiga wanda yake shafan dabi’un su, da kuma halayyan su har da ma lafiyan jikin su. Alamomin PMS da na PMDD kusan duka daya ne sai dai alamomin sun fi zafafa a PMDD. Alal misali, wasu masu dauke da PMDD har kwantar da su ake yi a asibiti saboda tsananin ciwon da suke ji a jikin su wasu kuma dole sai sun haɗa da shan maganin kashe zafi wato analgesics. Masu PMS suna iya jin ciwon kai ko ƙurjin fuska ya fito musu (pimples) da dai sauran alamomin PMDD wadanda na bayar a sama amma fa ba da ƙarfin da za su zo ma mai PMDD ba. Sannan kuma, PMS yana iya farawa ne daga sakin kwan mace (ovulation) har izuwa kwanaki 5 bayan al’adan ta ya iso, kusan yana kamawa sati 2 kenan kafin al’adanta ya zo ga wanda zagayowan al’adan ta (menstrual cycle) yake kamawa duk bayan sati 4, shi kuwa PMDD yana zuwa ne kimanin kwanaki 5 kafin zuwan al’ada. PMS yana kama kusan mata 48 %, shi kuwa PMDD yana kama kusan mata 3 – 8 % ne kawai kuma ba a jima sosai da gano shi ba. A taƙaice dai shi PMDD ya fi durƙusadda mace ta hanyan tauye yanda ta saba tafiyar da harkokin ta na yau da kullum. Budurwa ko kuma matan aure dukkan su za su iya samun PMDD ko PMS.
Bari mu fara kawo alamomin GPPPD guda 4 daga baya sai mu yi sharhi.
Wahalan kwanciya da maigida ta gaban ta (vaginal penetration).
Jin matsanancin zafi a gaba ko ƙashin ƙugu a yayin kwanciya (vulvovaginal or pelvic pain)
Jin matsanancin tsoro ko fargaban jin zafi a gaba ko kuma ƙashin ƙugu a yayin kwanciya.
Matsanancin tsukewan ƙugu a sa’ilin da akayi yuƙurin kwanciya.
Macen da take da aƙalla 1 ko fiye da 1 daga cikin waɗannan alamomin ne ake cewa tana dauke da GPPPD. A baya (1994) wato a DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition), ana kiran waɗannan alamomin da suna Sexual Pain Disorders wadanda suka ƙunshi Dyspareunia (jin zafin kwanciya) da Vaginismus (tsukewan gaba ko ƙugu). Daga baya kuma a 2013, sai aka haɗe waɗannan Disorders din guda biyu a waje guda a ƙarƙashin GPPPD a cikin DSM-5. Daga waɗannan alamomin, zamu fahimci cewa duk macen da take dauke da GPPPD to za ta fuskanci zullumi da fargaban kwanciya wasu ma har abin ya kai ga sun tsani kwanciyan gabadaya. GPPPD yana iya samun matan aure ne bisa ga la’akari da alamomin shi wadanda duka suke tattare da kwanciya. Akwai wasu cututtukan daban da za su iya sa uwargida jin zafin kwanciya, likita ne kaɗai zai iya yankewa shin GPPPD ne ko kuwa wani cutan ne na daban.
Shawara Ga Maigida
Ya zama wajibi akan maigida da ya fahimci alamomin PMDD sosai saboda idan ya kasance cewa uwargida tana da shi to sai ayi hanzarin zuwa ganin Psychiatrist. Sannan kuma idan Psychiatrist ya tabbatar mata da shi to sai ka sami calendar ka dunga ƙidayan sanda ake tsammanin zuwan shi domin a lallaba uwargida sannan kuma a kauce ma duk wani takala da uwargida za ta yi a cikin wannan lokacin da PMDD zai addabe ta (kwanaki 4 -7). Koda kuwa bata da PMDD, to idan tana da PMS ma ya kamata a kula da ita sosai idan alamomin sun bayyana ko ta samu sauƙin halin da ta shiga.
Idan kuwa ya kasance uwargida tana dauke da GPPPD, to fa dole sai maigida ya bi a hankali wajen kwanciya da iyali tare da yin haƙuri a wasu lokutan. Sannan kuma a je a ga likita domin akwai hanyoyin da za a bi wajen magance alamomin GPPPD.
Sai mun hadu a kashi na gaba mai taken:
Tsananin Fushi, Bala’in Kishi Da Kuma Depression: MDD, BD, BPD, OLD
Salihu Lukman, Assistant Professor ne na Civil Engineering a University of Hafr Al Batin, Saudi Arabia
Bayan na fitar da maqala ta a game da ciwon aljanu a inda na tabbatar da cewa alamomin da muke gani wadanda muke yanke cewa mutum na dauke da ciwon aljanu, to wadannan alamomi ne na wani Mental Disorder mai suna Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) wanda aka fi sani da Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) a da. Yanayin saqonnin da na samu a game da wannan matsala ya qara tabbatar min da cewa mutane suna da qarancin wayewa a game da ilimin Mental Health wato lafiyan halayya (emotional) da kuma dabi’un (psychological) dan’Adam. A sabili da haka ne na ga dacewar in yi rubutu kashi-kashi a game da Mental Health tare da Mental Disorder wanda yake nufin gamayyan wasu alamomi wadanda suke yin illa ga yanda ka ke tsinkayan abubuwa (feel) da kuma yanda ka ke tunani (think).
Kaman yanda mafi yawancin ku ku ka sani ne cewa ni ba likita ba ne, ni Assistant Professor ne na Civil Engineering a jami’an da ake kira University of Hafr Al Batin, Saudi Arabia. Amma kasancewa na zauna da mutane da yawa masu Mental Disorders a inda har ma na ke daukan wasu in kai su asibiti wajen Psychiatrist (likitan dabi’u da halayyar dan’Adam) da kaina domin nema musu lafiya tare da cewa kuma ni mai sha’awa ne da bincike a game da Mental Disorders, hakan ya bani daman fahimtar wadannan matsalolin sosai. Saboda haka, duk wani Mental Disorder da zan yi tsokaci akai a cikin wadannan rubuce-rubucen da zan yi, to matsaloli ne wadanda na sansu sosai kuma na yi mu’amala da masu irin matsalolin na qut da qut ba wai kawai na karanta su bane ko kuma naji anyi bayanin su, a’a. Saboda haka, kaman yanda na yi kutse a bangaren ciwon sukari wato Diabetes saboda nima na taba samun cutan amma kuma na warke, har ta kai ga cewa na shiryar da mutane da dama da taimakon Allah (SWA) hanyar da za su bi domin su yaye kansu daga shan magani kuma su samu waraka ta hanyan kiyaye abin da za su ci tare da motsa jiki, ina fatan ma a wannan karon cewa Allah (SWA) zai albarkaci wadannan rubuce-rubucen da zan yi a game da Mental Disorders har mutane su ilmantu sosai domin kare Mental Health din su yanda ya kamata.
Menene Mental Disorder?
Kaman yanda na fara bayani a sama cewa Mental Disorder yana nufin tattaruwan wasu alamomi wadanda suke iya jirkitadda yanayin da mutum yake tsinkayan abubuwa da kuma yanda ya ke tunani da mu’amala da mutane. Irin wadannan alamomin suna saka mutum ya shiga cikin matsanancin damuwa (subjective distress) sannan kuma suna janyo matsala ko naqasa (impairment) a game da yanda mutum yake mu’amala da iyalin shi ko ‘yan’uwan shi (wato a gida), da abokan aikin shi ko kuma abokan karantun shi (pervasive). Irin wadannan alamomin za su iya jimawa mutum yana fuskantan su (persistent), ko kuma a wani lokaci sai su zo gadan-gadan kaman saukan ruwan sama (relapse) daga baya kuma sai su yi likimo kaman anyi ruwan an dauke (remission). A wani sa’in ma sau daya kacal za su faru (single episode).
Manyan abubuwan da suke kawo Mental Disorders sun hada da gado (genetics), yanayin muhallin da mutum ya taso (environment), dabi’un yau da kullum da aka dora mutum akai (daily habits), da kuma yanayin halittan mutum (biology). Domin qarin bayani, ka kalli bidiyon Dr. Maryam Almustapha.
Manyan Alamomi 17 Da Ke Nuna Cewa Kana Dauke Da Mental Disorder
Matsanancin damuwa ko tsoro (extreme worry or fear)
Matsanancin baqin ciki ko rashin kuzari (extremely sad or down)
Kasa maida hankali waje guda har mutum ya kasa fahimtar karatu ko kuma abin da yake karatawa (disorganized thinking or difficulty concentrating and learning)
Kwatsam, sai mutum ya ji tsananin farin ciki da annashuwa har na zuwa aqalla kwanaki 4 tare da yin ayyukan bazata kaman almubazzaranci, ko karuwanci wadanda za su iya cutar da mutum. (mania)
Jimawa kana jin matsanancin haushi yanda ana tabo ka sai bala’i (sustained or intense feelings or irritability or anger)
Guje ma abokai ko ‘yan’uwa ko qin yin mu’amalan da mutum ya saba yi da mutane ko a ayyukan sa na yau da kullum (avoiding friends or relatives and social activity)
Kasa fahimtar yanda zakayi mu’amala da mutane yanda ya dace (difficulties understanding or relating to other people)
Canji a yanda mutum yake samun yin bacci a inda mutum yake kasa yin bacci sosai yanda ya saba ko kuma yake yin baccin da ya wuce qima tare da rashin kuzari da kuma yawan jin tsananin gajiya koda kuwa bakayi aikin gajiya ba (sleep disturbance and fatigue)
Rashin cin abinci kaman yanda ka saba ko kuma cin abincin fiye da yanda ka saba (changes in eating habits)
Qarin kuzari ko kuma rashin shi a gado (changes in sex drive)
Kasa banbance zahiri tare da yin jiye-jiye ko gane-ganen abubuwan da babu su a zahiri tare da yarda da imani da abinda ba zai taba yiyuwa ba a zahiri (psychosis: hallucination and delusion)
Rashin fahimtar cewa ka canza a yanda ka saba sannan kuma dabi’un ka sun canza ko sun tabarbare (lack of insight)
Yin tatil da giya da kuma tunanin ta a kodayaushe ko kuma shan kwaya ko kuma shan magani har ya wuce qiman da ya kamata (drug abuse)
Yawan yin ciwon kai ko ciwon ciki ko ciwon da mutum ba ma zai iya siffanta shi ba takamaimai sannan kuma koda anje asibiti akayi gwaji ba za a ga wani matsala ba (somatic complaints)
Tunanin cutadda kanka ko kuma tunanin kashe kanka (self-harm or suicidality)
Tsananin damuwan yin qiba ko kuma yanda suran mutum yake (dysmorphic)
Kasa mu’amala da mutane ko kuma kasa yin aiki yanda mutum ya saba na yau da kullum ko kuma kasa jure gwagwarmayan rayuwa na yau da kullum saboda wadannan matsalolin 1 – 16. (socioeconomic dysfunction)
Idan kaga cewa daya ko kuma fiye da daya daga cikin wadannan manyan alamomin Mental Disorders sun tabbata a gare ka kuma ba tare da bayan ka sha kwaya bane sannan kuma baka da wani matsala na jiki wato physical illness, to ya kamata ka ga Psychiatrist ko Clinical Psychologist domin ya duba ka yanda ya kamata.
Idan kana neman cikakken sharhin wadannan alamomin, to ka kalli bidiyon Dr. Fox (kwararren Clinical Psychologist) mai suna, ‘17 Signs You Could Have a Mental Illness’.
Mu sani cewa akwai sama da 300 Mental Disorders wadanda aka tabbatar da su a likitance kuma sun bambamta da junan su wajen tsanani (severity) da kuma yanda suke saka damuwa (subjective distress) da naqasa (impairment) ga mai dauke su. Shin ko ka san cewa in’ina wato stammering ko stuttering yana daga cikin Mental Disorders? Ana kiran in’ina wanda mutum ya fara a yarinta Childhood Onset Fluency Disorder (COFD). Mutum zai iya samun waraka gabaki daya daga Mental Disorder kaman in’ina ya na bacewa kwata-kwata wani lokaci idan mutum ya girma ko kuma ya ragu sosai. Wasu Mental Disorders din kuma sai dai mutum ya fahimce su da kyau sannan kuma ya koyi yanda zai dunga kiyayewa idan alamomin sun taso mai ranga-ranga (Psychotherapy). A wasu lokutan ma har magani ake bayar wa ko kuma a gasa kwakwalwan (Electro-convulsive therapy – ECT). Amma fa ku sani da cewa ba a dakatar da shan maganin Mental Disorders tashi guda, sai dai a rage a hankali a hankali (tapering) kaman yanda Psychiatrist zai bada shawara idan buqatan hakan ta kama. Kuma yawanci ana shan su ne na tsawon lokaci, wasu wata 6, wasu har shekaru ma, wasu kuma muddin rai.
Ga wasu daga cikin alamomin Mental Disorders tare da ainihin sunayen su.
Tsananin jin tsoro tare da fargaba idan mutum ya ga kyankyaso, gizo-gizo, bera, ko yin allura, ko hawa jirgin sama da dai sauran su (Phobia)
Shiga matsanancin damuwa da mata ke yi a cikin satin qarshe kafin zuwan al’adan su a inda za a lura cewa wani abu na damun su sosai wasu har da ciwon gabbai da tsoka, tare da rashin iya maida hankali da saurin gajiya ko rashin jin qarfi sosai, ga saurin jin haushi da yin fada ko a gida ko a wajen aiki da dai sauran su (Pre-menstrual Dysphoric Disorder – PMDD). Ya kamata maza su laqanci alamomin wannan disorder din saboda kiyaye uwargida idan tana da shi, idan kuma ba haka ba, to za ayi dauki ba dadi. ☺️
Kasa samun bacci gabadaya ko kuma yin baccin dan kadan da daddare amma kuma gari na wayewa sai ka ji baccin ya zo. Idan ma zaka sami dama zaka iya yin bacci ma’ishi tun safe har rana koma zuwa yamma (Delayed Sleep-Phase Syndrome – DSPS, daya daga cikin bangaren Circadian Rhythm Sleep-Wake Disorder).
Yaro mai tsilla-tsilla wanda baya iya zama wuri guda a yanayin da ake da buqatan yin hakan, kuma baya iya yin wasa shiru ba tare da yana iface-iface ba da zabure-zabure. Kuma a makaranta ma yana yawan tsilla-tsilla a cikin ji koda kuwa akwai malami a ciki kuma yana da yawan wasa da hannun shi yayi tabe-tabe ko kuma qafan shi ga yawan guje-guje da tadi da batar da kayayyakin shi da rashin tsayar da hankali a wajen karatu ga saurin bada amsa a cikin aji koda kuwa ba a tambaye shi ba (Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder – ADHD).
Mai qa’ida, mai taurin kai wanda idan ya kafe a abu, to babu mai iya daga shi, mai tsananin kiyaye mutunci tare da bin dokoki sau da qafa, ga maqo (shi bai ci ba kuma bai bayar an ci ba) ko kuma tsantseni wajen kashe kudi. Sannan ya na da qoqarin ganin cewa duk wani aiki sai an yi shi batare da wani kuskure ba (Mr. Perfect), kuma wani lokaci ma garin neman ayi aiki dari bisa dari sai kuma a kasa gama aikin akan lokaci. Kuma ba shi da daga qafa, duk dokan da ya gindaya to dole a bishi a haka babu sassauci tare da son cewa sai anyi abu a yanda yake so ko ya tsara (bossy). Sannan kuma agogo ne sarkin aiki (workaholic), a office aiki, a gida aiki, hatta weekend har ma abin ya kai ga cewa iyali ma basa samun lokacin shi yanda ya kamata domin yin fira ko kuma fita shaqatawa a waje, babu abin da yafi darjantawa irin aikin shi (Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder – OCPD). Wannan daban ne da mai OCD.
Tsananin ji da kai da ganin cewa shi na musamman ne (grandiosity) da kuma matuqar son a yaba mai koda kuwa bai cancanci yabon ba tare da nuna halin ko in kula da yanayin da mutum ke ciki na buqata ko damuwa (lack of empathy). Sannan kuma yana amfani da yaudara wajen cin ma burin shi, ga tsananin ji-ji da kai (arrogant) da hassada da neman ganin bayan mutum (Narcissistic Personality Disorder – NPD).
Domin samun cikakken qarin bayani a kan wadannan Mental Disorders din da kuma yanda ake sarrafa su, ka nemi, ‘Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition, DSM-5 (American Psychiatric Association)’ wanda za ka iya sauke shi daga wannan adireshin:
Idan ka ga cewa kana dauke da daya daga cikin wadannan Mental Disorders din guda 6 tum ma ba 2-6 ba, to yakamata kaje kaga Psychiatrist domin ya binciki lafiyan ka da kyau. Mu sani cewa lafiya fa ba shine rashin cuta a jiki ba kaman ace jiwon kai, ciki, hawan jinni, sukari wato physical illness kenan, lafiya ta qunshi rashin physical illness da kuma rashin Mental Illness ko Mental Disorder. Saboda haka, samun dawwamammen Mental Health yana da matuqar muhimmanci saboda rashin shi zai iya haddasa ma mutum physical illness da yawa. Sai mu kula. Mental Disorder shi ne dai ake kira Mental Illness, ko Psychological Disorder ko Psychiatric Disorder.
Wanene Yakamata Ya Duba Mai Mental Disorder?
Da zaran mutum ya fuskanci cewa yana dauke da wani Mental Disorder ko kuwa wani nashi ne yake dauke da shi ko kuma daya daga cikin alamomin da na zayyana a sama (1-17) sun bayyana sai a garzaya zuwa asibiti domin a ga likitan dabi’u da halayyan dan’Adam wato Psychiatrist. A wasu garuruwan, babu Psychiatrist kwata-kwata, a irin wannan yanayi, sai ka nemi Clinical Psychologist idan za ka samu amma dai Psychiatrist ne yafi cancanta mutum ya gani da farko kafin ganin Clinical Psychologist.
Domin qarin bayani a game da wasu daga cikin abubuwan da na tattauna, ka karanta wannan maqalan mai taken, ‘Mental Health Basics: Types of Mental Illness, Diagnosis, Treatment, and More’.
Sai mun hadu a kashi na gaba mai taken:
Wasu Daga Cikin Mental Disorders Wadanda Suka Shafi Mata Kadai: PMDD & GPPPD
Salihu Lukman, Assistant Professor ne na Civil Engineering a University of Hafr Al Batin, Saudi Arabia