Outcomes of Brainstorming Session 1 (Newton vs. Einstein)
By: Dr. Salihu Lukman
After brainstorming on who deserves to be crowned the G.O.A.T. between Newton and Einstein for almost 2 weeks – I engaged and debated all commentators on their various viewpoints so as to buttress the achievements and impacts of these great geniuses – the following outcomes can be deduced from the brainstorming session.
Newton had built on what Galileo Galilei had started before him on motion and astronomy and unified as well as invented other simple foundational physics principles (laws of motion, universal gravitation, optics, heat, viscosity, etc.) into what we know today. Dr. Michio Kaku, an American professor of theoretical physics, put it simply that Newton had invented physics from scratch, and without him, there would be no physics. Newton also invented calculus – touted as the most important achievement in modern mathematics – and contributed significantly to mathematics and astronomy. He is also considered the greatest of all astronomers, after solving the problem of predicting exactly the positions and motions of stars, planets, and their moons in one magnificent sweep. He was both an excellent theoretical and experimental physicist (2 in 1) if not the greatest to have ever combined these two areas.
Einstein, a theoretical physicist, only used a pen and paper to come up with his groundbreaking theoretical explanations and theories on photoelectric effects (won a Nobel Prize in Physics for this work and laid the foundations for quantum mechanics), Brownian motion, the special theory of relativity (E=mc2 – mass-energy equivalence, the faster an object moves, the slower time ticks for it, an extension of Newton’s laws of motion for objects moving at extremely high speeds), and the general theory of relativity (considers gravity as the curvature of spacetime caused by the presence of mass and energy, gravitational pull according to Newton is replaced by space push, also an extension of Newton’s law of universal gravitation for high gravity objects). The mathematics of his last theory indicates that the universe is expanding which led other scientists to formulate the Big Bang Theory. When other physicists solved his field equation of the last theory during Einstein’s lifetime, they predicted the existence of gravitational waves and black holes, which have all been detected or observed in 2015 and 2019 respectively, despite Einstein’s vehement rejection of their existence when he was alive. The last 2 theories of relativity are very difficult to understand – although I have simplified them here – how much more difficult to put them forward originally! Again, Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson, the world’s most famous astrophysicist, said that when you plug in low speed in the special theory of relativity and low gravity in the general theory of relativity, they would reduce to Newton’s equations of motion and gravity respectively. Einstein is regarded as the most famous scientist that ever lived, the greatest genius of the 20th century, and probably, the greatest theoretical physicist of all time.
Other Notable Mentions
Michael Hart describes Aristotle as “the first genuine scientist” and “the most influential individual in the history of Western thought.” He credits Aristotle with developing the scientific method, making significant contributions to logic, biology, physics, and metaphysics, and founding the Lyceum, the Peripatetic school of philosophy. Aristotle is still considered the greatest philosopher and scientist of the ancient world. Many of his ideas are outdated today. He was a leading expert in every field of science during his time, an incredible feat that is not likely to be duplicated by any man in the future.
If you are enjoying electricity today, which I am sure you are, then you need to thank Faraday. He discovered electric and magnetic fields which led to the invention of electric motors, generators, and transformers. Although he had no formal education and knew no mathematics, he was the greatest experimental physicist the world has ever known.
Comparing Aristotle, Newton, and Einstein, it is evident that they all made groundbreaking and impactful contributions to their respective fields. While Aristotle laid the foundations for logic, metaphysics, physics, biology, ethics, and politics, Newton revolutionized our understanding of motion, gravity, optics, and calculus, and Einstein transformed our perception of space, time, gravity, mass-energy equivalence, and provided a theoretical explanation of Brownian motion based on his theory of relativity, thus confirming the existence of an atom. Each of their contributions has had a profound and lasting impact on our understanding of the universe and our place within it.
Based on the foregoing analysis of the various contributions of Newton and Einstein, Sir Isaac Newton has won the crown of the G.O.A.T.
However, when you take into account, those who had the greatest effect on history and on the course of the world according to the total amount of influence that each of them had on human history and on the everyday lives of other human beings, then, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the most influential person to have ever walked the face of the Earth. Michael Hart, an American Jewish astrophysicist and author of ‘The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History’, ranked Prophet Muhammad number 1, Newton 2, Einstein 10, and Aristotle 13. You can download this wonderful piece from this Telegram online library:
Hart continues, “Furthermore, Muhammad (unlike Jesus) was a secular as well as a religious leader. In fact, as the driving force behind the Arab conquests, he may well rank as the most influential political leader of all time.”
The Quran is a book of spiritual guidance, and it also contains many proven scientific verses. Reading the Quran with the intention of deriving spiritual guidance from these verses can be a very rewarding experience for both Muslims and non-Muslims.
Another way to derive spiritual guidance from the Quran’s scientific verses is to reflect on the wisdom and power of God. The Quran describes many of the natural wonders of the universe, such as the creation of the heavens and the Earth, the Big Bang, the Big Crunch, the development of the human embryo, and the intricate balance of the ecosystem more than 1400 years ago. Reflecting on these verses can help us to appreciate the greatness of God and to develop a deeper sense of humility.
Salihu Lukman is an Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Hafr Al Batin, Saudi Arabia