Part 2: Exposing Pastor Reno Omokri: Mission Badda Musulmi
By: Dr. Salihu Lukman
All Muslims following Reno should understand his unequivocal agenda on Islam. That is, pushing for a narrative that Islamic practices and beliefs were simply directly copied from Ethiopian ancient religious practices. This clear narrative which he has been pushing for a long time in many of his posts implies that Islam did not actually receive revelation directly from the Almighty God to guide their practices and beliefs, which by extension means that Islam is not a true religion, but Christianity through Isa (A.S.) and Judaism through Musa (A.S.) are the only authentic paths to follow. In other words, he does not believe in the prophethood of Muhammad (S.A.W.) nor does he believe that the Qur’an was a revelation from the Almighty God to Muhammad. His disbelief in the prophethood of Muhammad is no surprise at all because he is a pastor who strictly follows prophet Isa (A.S.) and by extension believes in the prophethood of Musa (A.S.).
Someone who follows his posts would question, what about Omokri’s tons of articles defending Islam and Muslims despite him being a pastor? Yes, it’s true that pastor Omokri goes out of his way to defend Islam and sometimes to the detriment of his faith which is Christianity even though he does not accept being labelled a Christian. This act attracts to his social media handles a huge Muslim followership and I am one of them. Here is my take. Muslim readers of Omokri’s posts pertaining to Muslim practices and beliefs in particular should not take his words as the Gospel truth. Rather, they should scrutinize such posts to the fullest using their Islamic background and knowledge and consult Islamic scholars where necessary. Despite Omokri’s vast knowledge of Islam, he is NOT an Islamic scholar. In fact, my current conviction of his agenda toward Muslims after a careful review of his posts siding with the Muslims against Christians is that he is subtly hiding under his defense of Islam and Muslims to indirectly disqualify Islam as a true religion that the Almighty God sent prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) to propagate. He embodies the true definition of what the Hausas call Dan Mission or Mission Badda Musulmi or Orientalist. He is the proverbial wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Despite his being Dan Mission, I still read his posts daily because I learn a lot from them but his Muslim followers should understand his agenda on Islam which is to strip Islam of all authenticity and originality thereby casting doubts on its adherents which can ultimately lead to Muslims deserting their religions and becoming Christians. I had initially thought that pastor Reno Omokri was truly a bridge-builder between Muslims and Christians and had written on this in a 2-part series in September last year, 2023. Little did I know that his bridge is unidirectional whose goal is to convey Muslims (i.e., convert them to Christianity) from one end to the other end of the bridge where Christians reside. Non-Muslims reading this article should know that all Muslims believe in the prophethood of Isa (may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), i.e. Jesus Christ. We believe that he was one of the most distinguished prophets, and did many miracles during his time. A whole chapter (Surah) was dedicated to his mother Maryam (Mary) in the Qur’an, wherein his story was narrated. You cannot be a Muslim and disbelieve in prophet Isa (A.S.). No way! Hence, Muslims don’t need to be converted to Christianity before they accept the prophethood of Isa (A.S.). But pastor Omokri should desist from trying to rewrite Islamic history in a way to deceive Muslims into believing that he is an authority on Islam, hence, everything he says on Islam is nothing but the truth. He is simply Dan Mission Badda Musulmi. Muslims should be careful!
It may surprise you to know that pastor Reno Omokri has started translating some of his posts into the Hausa language alone to strategically capture the attention of the Muslim North. To appear more appealing to the Muslims, he crafts a special message or video clip every Friday wishing Muslims happy Jumu’ah, but he never does the same thing on Sundays.
I call on you to critically analyze some of his posts that depict his so-called knowledge of Islamic history and practices and you will surely find portholes that are meant to push a deviant narrative that undermines the very essence of Islamic practices and beliefs. For a proper understanding of this article, you need to read my 1st engagement on the subject matter titled “Part 1: Response To Reno Omokri On Some Muslim Practices And Beliefs” available at:
Salihu Lukman is an assistant professor of civil engineering at the University of Hafr Al Batin, Saudi Arabia

Masha Allah. That is stance
A very sensitive write up that’s worth sharing, it will surely awaken the perception of many Muslims towards this gentleman. Thanks
You are right that I supported him once. And that was before he came out to openly relegate Islamic practices and beliefs to the background.
Masha Allah, thanks for the enlightenment. May Allah continue to expose them.
You are welcome. Amin.
Indeed, i have been following and reading every word Reno scribed with a view that he is such a person who understand the principles and teachings of islam but because of their strongheadedness they failed to convert to truthful religion. For once, i never thought he is propagandist whose motive is to ambush islamic religion using islamic verses anf tactics.
Thank you, Dr for the enlightment.
It’s my pleasure. He is a skilled manipulator and distortionist. Henceforth, I will scrutinize his every post about Islam and Muslims and reveal to the Muslims any negatively hidden message that may be lurking the background.
And you are confusing the Muslims here more than you are alledging Omokri is!
For more evidence and in-depth analysis of my claims, endeavor to read parts 1, 3 and 4 of this series. They are all available here.
Part 1:
Part 3:
Part 4.
I concur. This is in-depth review of Omokiri. I wish to be receiving such write up in the future.
Jazakallahu khairan
Wa iyyakum. Amin.
Wa iyyakum.
Maa Shaa Allah sheikh
May we be guided
Jazakumullahu khairan
Amin. Wa iyyakum.
I have dis agreed with aOmokiri because the is a pseudo-intellectual he may call himself pastor without a church, a lying historian , you supposed him once, live with it.
You have a point and I share your belief, I even challenge some of our Muslim brothers that share his posts to ponder about his deception. but a lot of people will think that you’re trying to propagate some form of controversy. What do you think about gathering sufficient and authentic evidence to support our claims!
You are right. Many muslims have been deceived into thinking that he truly has their back when all he wants to do is to relegate Islam to the background. For more evidence and in-depth analysis of my claim, read parts 1, 3 and 4 of this series. They are all available here.
Part 1:
Part 3:
Part 4.