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By Salihu Lukman, PhD
Twitter Handle: @SalihuLukman
Posted on my Facebook wall on October 29, 2019
As a sequel to my previous write-up titled “My Unbiased Critical Analysis of PROFESSOR ANGO ABDULLAHI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL, 2016 to date”, one of the commentators asked me to undertake field research to prove that the scholarship is a hoax among other things. I found my response to his comment worthy of sharing with you.
Here is my response:
First of all, your qualification as a bachelor’s degree holder who is currently doing his NYSC has no correlation or bearing with you challenging me or my article. My being a PhD holder will only impact my analytical and critical thinking processes which may not necessarily be superior to your own analytical and critical thinking processes. That said, your inference that I don’t have a good rapport with the proprietor is wrong. You see, that expose was just a tip of the iceberg, yet, it is very long for a post. There are many things I skipped just to present a concise view to readers about what the school stands for and who is the proprietor. Before I withdrew my kids from the school, I can tell you that I became very close to him beyond your imagination and we had an excellent rapport. However, when I realized that my suggestions and constructive criticisms for bettering the school fell on deaf ears, that was when I withdrew my kids and did not contact him ever again.
My allegations on the school and the proprietor have been corroborated by both parents and teachers (who taught in the school before) here in this comment section. Basically, the aims of my article are:
(1) To present some of the bones of contention between the school’s management and me with a view to providing feedback to parents who may be intending to enroll their wards in the school. (2) To shed some light on the crude personality of the proprietor so that other parents can learn from my bitter experience and become cautious of his bait tactics. I have no intention of maligning him in the public, I was purely driven by the urge to save more people from becoming victims of his antics and Allah, who knows what my heart conceals, is my witness on that. I did not set out to prove that Adam Zango is conniving with the proprietor to gain cheap popularity. I only set out to awaken my readers to observe the purported scholarship ruse under a high-resolution microscope and make an informed decision rather than an emotional one.
If you carefully analyzed the contents of my article, you would realize that it was untimely and belated. I should have exposed all these facts in 2018 when he was using the edited interview I granted him to advertise for his school and gain cheap popularity. Unfortunately, I could not do this last year because of my engagements. However, when I read the news about the scholarship, I told myself that now I must write on what I know about the school and its proprietor so that even if it turns out the scholarship grant is not a hoax – which is not my concern at all – my article can becloud the much sought out and undeserved fame the school would have otherwise gained from this scholarship announcement.
If you clearly understand the aforementioned points, then, it is uncalled for me to undertake any ‘field research’ to prove the scholarship is a hoax because that is not the objective of my article, I could not care less.