Diabetes Reversed in 4 Days Using Lifestyle Changes – Another Success Story
By: Dr. Salihu Lukman
1. She was diagnosed on 24 December 2023 (6 days ago): Fasting – 261 mg/dL (14.5 mmol/L). She was placed on an antidiabetic drug to be taken once daily before breakfast.
2. She joined the DMF (Diabetic Monitoring Forum) Hausa Telegram open group (Ciwon suga [Diabetes]: DMF4) 2 days later on 26 December via the open link: https://t.me/ciwonsuga2. I started following up on her case the same day with a starting blood sugar of 221 mg/dL.
3. I would appraise her food choices 3 times daily (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) and emphasize her daily workout for at least 30 minutes after each meal.
4. She took at least 2-point glucometer readings daily. Fasting and 2 hours after breakfast.
5. Fasting blood sugar (FBS) readings:
Day 1 (27 Dec.) – 218 (with anti-diabetic medication)
Day 2 (28 Dec.) – 127 (with anti-diabetic medication)
Day 3 (29 Dec.) – 118 (with anti-diabetic medication)
Day 4 (30 Dec.) – 123. Antidiabetic medication was stopped today on Day 4 and 2 hours after breakfast result was 118 mg/dL.
6. I asked her to stop taking diabetic medication on Day 4. FBS was lowered from 221 to 123 in just 4 days by eating nutritious meals and exercising after each meal. All other readings were within the normal range.
7. I weaned myself off diabetic medication in 2016 instantly and my blood sugar levels normalized in just 3 days and have always been within the normal range since then. With the help of my team, we helped several other diabetics normalize their blood sugar levels and in some cases wean them off diabetic medications completely in a similar way to the above. You can also do it if you are diabetic or you can follow up with your loved one in a similar way if he or she is diabetic to change the narrative. Nothing is hidden in this process, all the interactions I had with her from the beginning until the end including all her meal samples are also available on the group for all to see and learn. I have already explained all the good and the bad foods for diabetics in several of my articles and presentations on the Diabetic Monitoring Forum (DMF). Join us to say goodbye to diabetes through lifestyle enhancement without selling any diabetic medication to anyone in any form.