Never take anything serious in life, yet, take everything seriously – My Interpretation


Never take anything serious in life, yet, take everything seriously – My Interpretation

By: Dr. Salihu Lukman


Almost a decade ago, Dr. Noor Mohammed Khan, an old nice man and owner of the popular hospital Dr. Noor Mohammed Khan General Hospital in Hafr Al Batin, Saudi Arabia, advised me, “Don’t take anything serious in life”. I would argue with him again and again that if I don’t take anything seriously in life, then, how can I progress and achieve my goals in life? He would still maintain his stance that, “Don’t take anything serious in life”. Anybody with personality traits of being controlling, perfectionist, inflexible, responsible and goal-getter will throw away this piece of advice for obvious reasons. Almost 10 years down the line, Dr. Khan’s advice has been reverberating in my mind and I have been trying to make sense of it but couldn’t until now when I added the second part of the title, i.e., “Yet, take everything seriously”. You see, our various experiences in life play a significant role in shaping our perspectives on everyday events. Unfortunately, these experiences are not up for sale, you have to live through them. Ten years down the line, I have now gathered enough experience to make sense of his great advice that will serve as one of my guiding principles for the remaining part of my life on Earth. Yes, the title is definitely a paradox, that many would not comprehend its underlying meanings at first glance. It is deliberately meant to provoke deeper thought of these two seemingly contradictory ideas. It can be interpreted in many ways based on one’s perspective and experiences. Presented below are my interpretations from my perspective.


Never Take Anything Serious In Life

  • Take things easy by detaching from the seriousness that often comes with everyday worries, expectations, and anxieties through maintaining a sense of lightness and humor, and not getting bogged down by those things in your life that are ultimately out of your control.
  • This should also serve as a reminder that no condition is permanent. Since everything changes, then clinging too tightly to things can lead to undue hardship and stress. Let go of some strict attachments and embrace the flow of life.
  • By extension, inject playfulness and joy into your life by all means and at all costs. Do not take yourself too seriously, allow yourself to have fun and experiment.


Yet, Take Everything Seriously

  • Notwithstanding the above interpretations, approach everything in life with dedication, commitment, and a sense of responsibility by giving your best effort to whatever you do, be it work, relationships, or other personal pursuits while not allowing every little thing to consume you in the process.
  • Live a life of mindfulness by recognizing the importance of every moment and experience.
  • Combine a lighthearted approach to life with a strong sense of purpose and meaning.



The title reminds us to find a middle ground between two extremes – carefree enjoyment and dedicated responsibility. Hence, we should live with a light heart – devoid of unnecessary stress and overthinking – while still being mindful of our commitments and the impacts of our actions. I find this to be one of the best ways to manage stress on various fronts, be it family, work, or contemporary local or global happenings, and strongly recommend it for you to give it a try. Effective stress management especially for old people like me who are above 40 is of paramount importance. Medical doctors would tell you that managing your stress effectively can help you prevent numerous physical and mental illnesses. A word to the wise is enough!

Salihu Lukman is an Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Hafr Al Batin, Saudi Arabia

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